A search for purpose in Google resulted in 10,320,000,000 hits in 0.46 seconds at the time of writing this. Purpose is a hit word, with tons of information related it. Why then am I writing about it? Because with all the available information, we still seem confused about what purpose is and what it is in our lives.

What is purpose? Is there a purpose for your life?

Purpose, according to the online Dictionary, is the reason for which something is done, or created or for which something exists.

David says in Psalms 138:8 – The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me; your love, O Lord, endures forever – do not abandon the works of your hands.

He says the Lord will fulfill his purpose for me. Purpose here refers to the ultimate reason you were born or your destiny. You have a purpose. God made you for His purpose. You decide to follow Jesus (God the son), and He fulfills this purpose in you. It requires surrendering to God and His plans for your life. 

Seek and you will find

Some years ago, I got caught in this “purpose movement.” I was bored in a nine-five job that seemed to have no meaning for my life – this is one way to know you are not in the purpose of God. I questioned myself,  many people (most were annoyed and defensive), and life. Make sure you are ready when you get to this place in life – this could be a call on your life. What you seek, you will eventually find. However, how you find it will be like nothing you had imagined.

Begin with what is next?

The question mark is intentional because of the conditioning of our minds. Do not seek things. Nothing is wrong with things, but they should be the by-product – a means to an end, not the destination. You seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all will be added to you, Matthew 6:33. Get to know God or go deeper with Him.

If you still do not know what to do, begin with what is next. Sometimes this is how God speaks to us, some of the dreams and goals in our hearts are from Him. 

On the search for purpose

During that time (when I was searching for purpose) many options of what to do next came to mind. 

Should I buy a house? I laugh at this option now, but then, this was at the forefront of my mind. Now, I know the reason for buying a house came to mind first. I grew up in a society that above all things, valued home ownership. Many people believed that they were successful because they owned a house. A house is nice but owning a house was not my purpose, nor would it have led me to my purpose. That is saying God put me on earth to own a house. 

Another option was to own a business, but in what? I tried some side hustles before, but they didn’t work out. How do I start a business?

I considered pursuing nursing or marketing. Few people I knew did nursing and loved it. I did my research; I had the potential, but I wasn’t excited about nursing. The lack of passion in a field is sometimes an indication that is not what you should be doing. I am unsure why marketing came to mind; it seemed like a fun career. At that time, I liked event planning and attending trade shows. But I had no idea how to transition into the marketing industry with a science background.

What is in your hand?

Start with what you know or already have. God asked Moses, what is in your hand? He used Moses’ rod to perform many miracles. This is also how God works, He will use something you have or love, just don’t get caught up with the thing.

I knew life science, and I loved it. Obtaining a doctorate was one of my childhood dreams, so I went for that. I figured I could serve my skills in an area that would help people afterward. But because I was seeking purpose, what happened was a journey in getting to know God and my true self. In some weird way, it seemed I was always in purpose, I just needed to refocus on how I thought about my life and what I was doing – renew my mind. You have not wasted your life; it is all preparation for your ultimate purpose – your destiny. God orders our steps.

The Lord’s purpose will prevail

Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails, Proverbs 19:21.

I had many things I wanted to do, but only God’s purpose prevailed. Regardless of your plans, only God’s purpose will be the result. God’s name will be glorified in the end. Some people will look at this verse and ask, “why should we plan?” Planning is an act of faith. God responds to our faith. However, be flexible with your plans. Do not get too caught up with what happens, or the route you take to get to the result because in the end God’s purpose will prevail. On the way to your predestined end, you may be persecuted, rejected, isolated, incarcerated (in mind or physical), and /or criticized, but keep believing. God can use any circumstance and anyone, even your enemies (often the case), to get you to your destination. Keep seeking God and run your race. 

He has an hedge around us

The book of Job (Job 1:10) teaches us that God has a hedge around us. No one or nothing can stop you (if you surrendered to the will of God) from fulfilling God’s purpose for your life. A believer who continues to seek God and walk by the Spirit will always be in the purpose of God. This may look like taking care of the kids now. Purpose begins small, do not despise where you are, your purpose may be in seed form now. Do not worry or stress about your purpose and if you will get there.

Proverbs 19:21 can also be misinterpreted, in that you may think if you make a plan and God says yes, if something goes bad, then God caused that thing to happen. No, God is good all the time and all the time God is good (it is not just a saying). He does not cause bad things to happen. However, God can and will (if you allow Him to) use that bad thing and work it out for your good and his purpose (Romans 8:28). Hence, we need to be careful not to call something/ circumstance bad/evil or a failure if the result is God’s purpose. 

The freedom

I get a sense of freedom from knowing this truth (Proverbs 19:21). We are free to follow our God-given dreams. However, remember to everything is a time and a season. Just because the dream seems hard or impossible doesn’t mean it is not from God, and you shouldn’t pursue it. In addition, If God did not permit you, He can shut the doors (you will not get the opportunity). Permission may look like you can’t stop thinking about an idea. Pray and allow God to help you fulfill your dreams (the dream He placed in your heart). These dreams will lead you to your destiny or ultimate purpose.

Can unbelievers be in the purpose of God?

I wondered if Proverbs 19:21 was only for believers. Then I remembered that God told Pharaoh, “But indeed for this purpose I have raised you up, that I may show My power in you, and that My name may be declared in all the earth.” Exodus 9:16. By the way, did you see that? God told Pharaoh… if you thought that only believers can hear God, you are mistaken. 

I came upon a verse that I have read many times but had not put much thought to before. Proverbs 16:4, “The Lord hath made all things for himself: Yea, even the wicked for the day of evil.” Proverbs 19:21 is not just for believers. However, if we are not seeking the Lord, it will not be for our good. There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death (Proverbs 14:12).

Will God’s purpose be done through you or from another place?

Proverb 16:4 suggests that unbelievers are also in the purpose of God. Some unbelievers are, they may not know it, they say things like I just got this idea to do some good deed. For example, many unbelievers give generously to the poor, they think it is from their goodness, and they do not acknowledge God. Many business ideas are from God, it is possible that He gave these ideas to believers, but they could have been fearful or ignored the idea to take on such grand ventures. Since God’s purpose must prevail, the idea may go to others who will execute them. 

Esther 4:14 speaks to this to some extent: For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?”

Usually, these unbelievers (those who carry out God’s purpose) will get an opportunity to be saved. The story of Cornelius in Act 10 depicts this.

Submit to God and find your purpose

Has God placed something on your heart to do? Submit your will to God. Pray about it. It could be his purpose for you at this time. Believe. If you are seeking God and yielding to the Holy Spirit, He will fulfill His purpose in you.

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