Dreams, does God speak through them today? Part 2

Dreams, God speaks through them today

For God may speak in one way, or in another, Yet man does not perceive it. In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls upon men, while slumbering on their beds (Job 33: 14-15).

Recall I had a dream when I was in high school that I was graduating with a PhD. At that time, it seemed like an impossible dream but I kept it in mind. Every now and again the dream came back. By now I had the undergraduate and masters degree and vast work experience (even internationally) when the dream came back. This time I had to really think if I should take the next step to fulfill this dream.

But this dream is from God, so here is what happened in a nutshell.

Fulfill the dream

My manager back then asked, “do you want to take study leave? You will have your job when you complete your studies.”

“No, I am going to start my family while I study,” I lied (or did I – don’t lie).

I packed up again. For the last time, wherever I went this time, that is where I will reside – or so I thought. I said my good byes and left.

My PhD started slow, an uphill climb (on Mount Everest). Each time I overcame an obstacle, two or three more came up. I was feeling tired now. Maybe this was a mistake. I don’t think I need a PhD (does anyone really?). I can get a good job; is that what you want though? This is how my mind works through difficult things. Make sure you know and remember why you want the dream. Sometimes you may not know, or you haven’t looked deep enough. The way you perceive the world and your experiences can also affect your interpretation of the dream. But if you stay connected to God, trust and acknowledge Him, He will make your path straight.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct your paths. (Proverbs 3:5-6).

Stay focused, pay attention, this is challenging

Stay focused on the dream, but do not forget God. I got prideful and disobeyed the Lord; I got pregnant. Or was I ensnared by my own mouth? Recall I told my manager I was going to start my family! (but something was out of balance see “Do you want to be made whole?”). Know this, you can do nothing that will disqualify you from what God has for you. If you got the dream it is yours, but you need to make the decision to pursue it. Anyhow, this situation would have been a legitimate reason to stop. Instead, I made the decision; I am doing this, God’s way. I never looked back. I persevered (why am I doing this AGAIN? haha).

A God-given dream will always challenge you. You are required to grow. Grow physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually – the balance. Not only do you need to be balanced in your inner life, but also in your outer life. Although a PhD is mentally challenging, you still need to find the time to do things you love and maintain positive relationships. This was a huge lesson, because we often think a PhD is just about book work (but this was a God-given dream, not just a PhD), it was so much more, I had to grow in every area and practice self-love. If you have never done anything challenging (it doesn’t need to be Mount Everest, it doesn’t need to be a PhD) I can tell you that you have much untapped potential. Are you going to take it to the grave?

Rediscover who you are and what you can do

Motivation and Encouragement

I went to conferences (more travelling) and got a “best presenter award.” Is this happening? I didn’t know I had that in me. I taught tutorials; I don’t like it, but I love to motivate and encourage the students. I passed all the exams. Now all I had to do was work it out (complete the dream).

I presented at church about my country (Jamaica). They loved it. The worship pastor said, “God is going to use you to speak.” I kept that in my mind.

Before this journey, I knew no one at this school, but I had terrific friends an hour away. I developed amazing friendships at this school and a church a friend introduced me to. I had a lot of support in unexpected ways. God gave me the strength to endure. It felt magical, like a miracle.

Sightseeing with my friends after a conference. Banff, Canada.

Sightseeing after a conference. Ottawa, Canada.

I received this award during my pregnancy

A dream come true

It was time to write. In my mind, I hate writing. Be careful of the things you say to yourself or to others. You do not need to take every thought that enters your mind. Although I have been writing all types of documents since I began my studies and before while working, I doubted myself. But deep down, I knew I could write. I made a decision; I was going to write like I never did before, and I was going to enjoy doing it.

It was euphoric, I felt like a god, and I felt the presence of God while I wrote. It happened quicker than I thought. The professors loved it.

It was time for the oral exams to defend my thesis. In my mind, I don’t like public speaking. I was criticized for my presentations. I felt afraid. But I cannot back out now. It was a twenty minutes talk; I wanted them to understand the journey – four years of research. I cannot give up now.

I practiced and practiced. On the day of the presentation, I had what felt like an outer body experience. God took over and changed the atmosphere. The room lit up, and I was on a roll for two hours of questioning. Soon it was all over! I felt like I was walking on air. It was a dream come true! To God be the glory!

Celebrate good times

It took two decades, lots of tears, many many people helped from the first time I had the vision to seeing it come to fruition (although you will feel alone at times, you are not alone). Remember the race is not for the swift, but for those who endure.

My mom finally saw me graduate from college.

My Aunt on my right and my mom on my left. I needed both strong women in my life to get me here.

My friends had a celebration for me. It felt like dé·jà vu.

Was it just a dream or a flash of the future?

You decide. What will you do with the dreams God gave to YOU? You think or talk about it all the time. Time and chance happen to everyone (Ecclesiastes 9:11). Is it your time, is this your chance? Only you and God knows. Pray about it. Fulfill that dream.

See video for some lessons learned that can help you fulfill your God-given dreams.

Look out for my book! Fulfill your God-given dream: Life lessons from pursuing a PhD.

Your turn

Do you believe you have a God-given dream or have you fulfilled a God-given? What lessons did you learn?

If you need help to fulfill your God-given dream send me a message using the contact form.

Be blessed and be a blessing!

5 Responses

  1. Reading this blog has given me conformation on the powers of dreams and how to incorporate God’s words and promises.
    We all have a God given purpose in which we need to fulfill.
    I Love the video. Awesome! Awesome!

  2. Well to god be the glory
    Great things has done
    Your dreams has come through
    Well done
    We pray that others dreams can come through as well.
    Keep up the good work.

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