To all the daddies, past and future daddies, we honor you!

Honor your father

A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling. Psalms 68:5

My father died when I was about five years old. I do not know if it affected me psychologically or not. I did not feel like anything was missing because I did not know him and he did not live with us.

When I was a child

During devotions with my Aunt Lucy as a child, I read in the Bible that God is a father to the father-less, and I believed. God is my father. I went to Him when I was in trouble, and He would rescue me. I recognized that God would give me what I asked for, but he does it His way. For much of my life, I went to God for what I wanted and lived my life the way I wanted. Never once did I ask Him what He wanted from me. It is normal to behave this way when we are children.

Then I became a woman

But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8.

But there comes a time when we need to put away childish things. I knew God loved me, but did I love Him?

He called me, forgave me and offered me the gift of salvation. I chose to accept the gift.

When God calls you, He not only calls you to save you, He calls you to do the good works he prepared for you to do (Ephesians 2:10). 

Thy will be done

But before the good works, the Holy Spirit led me into the wilderness (a dry place); it looked like problems from every side.

Problems are opportunities, do not run from them. I had to get rid of my expectations, trust, and obey Him (fully commit and surrender) when I did not understand. God is the ultimate problem solver; if you stay connected, He will solve all your problems. Sometimes He takes the problems away, and sometimes He gives you wisdom and strengthens you to grow into the opportunities. 

Throughout it all, God protected me, provided for me, guided me, led me, comforted me, corrected me, saved me, pruned me, healed me, sustained me, taught me, challenged me, stretched me, empowered me, encouraged me, kept me, delivered me, changed me, and restored me. 

You are not alone. 

I give honor to the most high God, my father, and the Lord of my life.

Honor your husband and father to your children

What does God want me to do?

Love one another

I remember how you took charge and cared for our son when I was studying. You ensured that we stayed connected during that time, though we were in separate countries. That spoke volumes to me. You work hard and take care of your responsibilities. We lack for nothing. And you still find the time to come home and be with your children. I truly admire these qualities. 

Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. Ephesians 4:32.

You show kindness, forgiveness and compassion. You are a giver who keeps giving, not expecting anything in return. While this can be potentially harmful because of human nature to take advantage, you somehow keep a smile and turn the other cheek. And then you help us because that is who you are. You taught me a powerful life lesson through your core values – kindness, forgiveness, and compassion – thank you. Let us to continue living by these values. You are not perfect, none of us are, but you show excellence in your role as a father. 

I respect and honor you, my husband and daddy of my children, Mr. Gayle. 



2 Responses

  1. Good job, to God be the glory great things he hath done, such a beautiful story of honouring your husband and father of your children, keep it going.

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