How to plan for your dreams with no resources


I am from Jamaica. As a child, I loved watching a TV program called Profile. On this show, the host would interview persons who became successful against the odds. Night after night, I would watch this program and wonder how to get the dreams in my heart.

My family, mother and grand aunt (whom I lived with), and extended family supported me in many ways. However, we had no money and knew no one who could help me to flesh out or take on the dreams I had.

In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps. Proverb 16:9

I dreamed of getting a PhD to help and positively impact people’s lives. I did not always know how. However, I knew how to get a PhD; first an undergraduate degree, then a master’s, then a PhD. Sometimes you can skip the master’s step but, the timeline is about the same.

I had to come up with a plan.

I love to plan (not for events!). With an imaginative mind and no shortage of ideas, I would write down whatever I saw in my mind that I wanted for a particular project or my life. In this instance, I needed to plan to get this PhD. I do not think about cost, place (meaning I could choose anywhere in the world), or other resources. Planning this way may seem unpredictable until I found a pattern that worked every time.

Here is how I went to schools in multiple first-world countries with no money or connections.


The beginning 

I remember wanting to go to the US for my undergraduate degree. I got enrolled in a coaching program (coaching helps us to gain knowledge in specific fields), I did the SATs, got accepted into colleges, and received some scholarships. However, I was still unable to go because of other financial restraints. Not having the finances may appear to be the reason for the “failure” of this plan. However, I now know that I needed to grow in one or more areas of my life.

Growth or change is necessary for every plan, project, goal, or dream to succeed. We are required to grow physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and relationally. Growing in these areas is one of three criteria to establish our plans, whether we are individuals trying to achieve a personal or professional goal or an organization.

When you have no resources, begin with personal growth. Growth is not automatic.

Be intentional!

Anyhow, I got a student loan and did my undergraduate degree in Jamaica.

But I wanted to go to the US, did I do all that work for nothing?

In other words…


Should we plan?

We should plan because it gives us a structure to work with. Although I did not get my undergrad degree in the US, I still got my degree. Try not to get caught up with the how. Learn to be adaptable to accommodate changes and complete the job.

A plan should be dynamic and not static. As we try to execute our plans we will encounter obstacles and challenges. We should try to remain flexible and open to the possibilities.

Before my undergraduate graduation took place, I got a job. Immediately after starting this job, I started travelling locally and internationally to places like Norway for workshops where I met people from all over the world (not just the US)!

Note that this was not a coincidence, we always get compensated for the hard work we do (when we are growing), one way or another.


The middle 

After about two years of work, I decided to get my master’s degree. This time I wanted to go to England, because why limit yourself?

I researched, found a program, and asked questions of relevant persons. Although I went on this journey without coaching, I used the knowledge I gained previously to make applications and prepare documents for travel. I prayed. Remember we need to grow spiritually as well.

Yet, the timing was off, I probably got comfortable and was not growing in an area.

As a highly sensitive person, (some may call me shy or introverted) you might be able to guess what area I was not growing in. Do you know your blindspots?

I had to defer for a year. Knowing I had one more year to prepare, I was intentional about my growth. The funds came (even through some trials and errors, try not to stop after the first no).

So, I went to England for a master’s degree.


Why should you not give up on your plans?

For the undergrad degree, I didn’t get to go to the place (sometimes this is physical, sometimes it is psychological) I wanted. For the master’s degree, I didn’t get to go at the time I wanted, but I still got both degrees. Place and time are the other two criteria needed to establish and successfully execute our plans for the dream.

What have you given up on because it did not happen exactly the way you wanted?

Start by writing down your plans today!


Finish the plan

After getting the master’s degree, working (in Jamaica), and enjoying life, I felt a tug at my heart.

“Is this what life is about?”

I started searching for meaning in my life (not just a meaningful job). I felt perplexed in my spirit. The thought of getting the PhD came up among many other ideas. This time I had mixed feelings; should I go, or should I stay?

Do you remember why you want the dream?

I decided to go, I had to finish this plan that started years ago. This time I wanted to go to Canada. I can assure you that there is a reason for choosing all these places (remember the place is necessary for the plans to succeed), they are not random.

I did all the preparations as before, while growing in all the areas mentioned above. However, because this was the final part of the plan to get to the dream, challenges came from every direction. See how to navigate the feeling of being stuck, uncertain, fearful, and insecure to become better in every area of our lives in my book: Fulfill the Dream: Life Lessons from Pursuing PhD.

In short, I went to Canada, at the right time, I had the right people (relational growth) around me, and I had full funding with no restrictions. I completed my PhD in biochemistry (without prior knowledge of the subject) in four and half years despite many obstacles and challenges.

Do not limit yourself!

Always see the challenges as an opportunity to grow.

Believe in your dream and

Finish it!

A similar story happened with the publishing of my book, Fulfill the Dream: Life Lessons from pursuing a PhD, check it out!


3 Responses

  1. Good morning it’s good to known the struggle you went through and bounce back , God promise us he will never leave us

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