Journey to Financial freedom

Journey to Financial Freedom: How to Pay for My Dreams. Part 1

Are We Serving God or Money?

Everyone wants financial freedom, right? It means we can do what we want and live our dreams. But here’s a question: Are we focused on money or on God?

“No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.” Matthew 6:24

I grew up in a home where money was limited, but we always had what we needed because God provides. Even with our financial constraint, I dreamed big. I wanted to travel, study in different places, become a scientist, and help others as a consultant and life coach. Looking back, I realize those dreams came from God.

But money seemed like a big roadblock. Or was it?

Here’s my story:

After college, I got my first real job as a scientist in my country. Suddenly, I had money, but I had to decide how to use it.

So, how did I save for my dreams?

Even though my scientist salary was okay, it wasn’t enough for all my dreams. But I was determined. I started by putting some money into a savings account before I even got my paycheck. This way, I always saved something.

It’s not about saving a lot; it’s about making saving a habit. Over time, your savings grow.

As a believer, we should put God first with our money. Back then, I didn’t understand the idea of tithing, but God still looked out for me.

Then I wondered:

Should I start saving for retirement so young?

Even though retirement felt far away, I joined the company’s retirement plan. They matched my contributions, so my money would grow faster.

But with my paycheck feeling small…

How did I handle loans while saving for my dreams?

I hated being in debt, so I paid off my student loans quickly. I waited to get a credit card until I felt financially secure. And when I did, I made sure to pay off the balance every month.

How did I make my money work for me?

I tried different ways to invest my money. Some were safe, like government bonds. Others were riskier, like stocks. I also got life insurance to protect my savings. Mixing things up helped me balance risk and reward.

Would I still have enough for everyday expenses?

What are your dreams? Do you think they come from God?

And most importantly:

How much are you willing to sacrifice for your dreams?

Supportive relationships were key for me. I stayed with family while I figured things out. And because I saved when I was younger, I was able to handle bigger expenses later without going into debt. Your dreams might be different, but the idea is the same.

Fulfill your Dreams

“Can I have financial freedom?”


Financial freedom isn’t just for the rich. With a plan and some sacrifices, anyone can do it. 

Let your money do the work for you. Financial freedom is possible if you stay focused and smart with your money.

Ready to start your journey to financial freedom?

Email me at for a free guide on “How Money Works.” 

Stay tuned for part 2 of my journey to financial freedom, where dreams get even bigger!



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