When you learn, teach. When you get, give

What do we have to give?

On this life’s journey, there are few treasures as precious as wisdom. For me, it’s the lessons learned through experiences on the path less traveled. It’s like that path through the woods where the way is not yet obvious, there are no maps, I was ill prepared, but never alone. This blog is a testament to my journey; the lessons learned along the way. Maya Angelou, bless her soul, knew this truth well when she spoke those immortal words:

“When you learn, teach. When you get, give.”

What is wisdom?

Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding. Proverbs 4:7.

Ah, Maya. She was a beacon of wisdom herself, wasn’t she? Her words had this uncanny ability to cut through the noise of the world and speak directly to the soul. And that’s the thing about wisdom—it’s not just about knowing things; it’s about understanding them on a deeper level, seeing the patterns in the chaos, finding meaning in the mundane. And then knowing how and when to apply it.

Is wisdom the same as being smart?

Now, I’ve collected a fair share of degrees and certificates over the years, don’t get me wrong. They’re nice, they look impressive hanging on the wall or on LinkedIn, but let me tell you something: they pale in comparison to the wealth of wisdom I’ve gathered along the way. Degrees might open some doors, but it’s wisdom that lights our life’s path.

You see, wisdom isn’t something you can just pick up at the store or earn with a fancy piece of paper. It’s cultivated through experience, through trial and error, through the countless ups and downs of life. And let me tell you, it’s not always easy. There were sacrifices made, lessons learned the hard way, moments of doubt and uncertainty.

Why is wisdom the principal thing?

But was it worth it? Absolutely. Because here’s the thing about wisdom: it’s not just about making better decisions or avoiding mistakes (although it certainly helps with that). It’s about finding joy in the simplest of moments, appreciating the beauty in the mundane, cherishing the love of family even when they drive you up the wall. And understanding the One who made it all possible. We are nothing, we deserve nothing, so whenever or wherever we are blessed, be grateful.

Wisdom is not just a thing, but a person

As persons of faith, we often run to the Proverbs seeking wise words from the wisest person ever lived, that’s Solomon, right? Solomon was the wisest up until his time. I know this because I have studied the Proverbs over and over, and I see for myself that though there are some truths, they do not always apply to everyone or in all circumstances. Also, remember that although Solomon was called the wisest, he was pulled away and served other gods. 1 Kings 11. Not so wise, right.

However, there is one who was wiser than him. He was wisdom and truth wrapped up in a person. His name is Jesus. If you truly desire wisdom,  heed his words and do them. Now, whenever we read and study the Proverbs, we do so through the lens of Jesus, then we will gain the principal thing.

When you learn, teach. When you get, give.

And perhaps most importantly, it’s about passing that wisdom on to others. Because what good is knowledge if it’s not shared? So, as Maya Angelou so wisely said, when you learn, teach. When you get, give.

Let’s share what we have, shall we?



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