Who is a father? A father is…

Hi Family,

Who is a father?

Happy, happy, happy father’s day to all the men who stepped up to the role of being a father!

I grew up without a father or step father, however I didn’t feel like anything or anyone was missing. That is because I had a relationship with God the Father. Here are lessons I learned from Him about who is a father.

I suppose this will mostly speak to those of us who grew up without a father, or whose fathers were never there emotionally.

A father is kind. He gives you what you need, not necessarily what you want. Also, we need to be kind to ourselves.

A father is forgiving. Always, but are we forgiving to ourselves?

A father is compassionate. He is always there with us whether in our suffering or joy.

A father loves his family. No need to worry, He takes care of us.

A father grows us by placing us in uncomfortable situations. Do I need to explain this? If we feel stuck, it is time to seek Him.

Yet, a father is patient. God is not slow as we understand slowness, he is being patient.

A father is gentle. Listen to His gentle whispers.

A father is considerate. He has a plan for us.

A father loves unconditionally. Know that we can do nothing to earn this love.

Thank you, Father.

And thanks to my husband and children’s father. People will say and can say many things, but you were there for us through thick and thin. You are the one who showed up when no one else did. You are the one who stayed when everyone else left.

Happy Father’s day!





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