How to Turn Your Dreams Into Reality: Meet My Surprise Dream Family!

Hi Family!

What is your dream?

Have you been dreaming about when you get a certain amount of money, buy a house, get a degree, move to another country, or a dream family, then you will be happy? Are you searching for that spark to ignite your life?

Hi, my name is Sanchia. I am a wife, mother, consultant, life coach, and the founder of the sanchlovelife blog. Although, I am the founder, this blog is for all my family and friends who have helped me in anyway to get here. Ten years ago, I was seeking and searching too. I worked as a life scientist, traveling to exotic places and meeting influential people. This I loved, but when I was back in the office, I hated it. I felt like my work and life had no meaning and I didnt know who I was.

Who are you?

So, I decided to pursue a PhD, a childhood dream. I resigned from my job, packed up, and went to Canada, a country I had dreamed of living in. For the next five years, I worked harder than I ever did to get this PhD. Before I completed it, I got a job teaching at a local university. I realized I didn’t want to teach a mere subject; I wanted to teach about life, but I didn’t know how to do that.

Three things happened during my PhD that helped me discover who I was.

Meet my dream family!

One, I had my very talented son, Aziel.

Aziel was born in Canada. We love Canada, we felt safe and free there. Aziel began reading at age two and he writes well. He is academically inclined and dreams of becoming a mathematician, I believe he already is, you should see some of his mathematical creations.

Last year, he attended a NASA summer camp! Can you tell he is a superstar?

It turned out that Aziel was one of the best things that happened to me. When we had our son, I met myself. I couldn’t take my eyes off him. I began creating graphics with his pictures and sharing them.

He was a dream we didn’t know we had. Now, I wanted to be and do better, but I couldn’t do it on my own. I needed help.

Do you know where your help comes from?

Two, I fully committed to the Lord, and it changed my life. He began working in and through me. I had a peace and a joy that I never knew before. I wasn’t afraid to take risks, because I knew He was with me.

Three, I joined a small group at church and began asking questions about various topics (I ask a lot of questions!). God began to move in my life like never before, and I started sharing those stories through discussions. I realized I had many hidden talents I didn’t know I had, like writing, storytelling, and asking relevant questions. Do you see why I did well as a life scientist? It was a good thing, just not the right thing. We have a specific purpose.

What is your purpose?

Aziel’s dad, my husband Trevor, stepped up and did his part. Trevor and I met when we were just teenagers in Kingston, Jamaica. We met through our families. As a task oriented person, I couldn’t see how important family was.

Us during the early years, when I was blind!

So, we knew each other very well (this is a whole post by itself). He took Aziel to live with him in the US so I could complete the PhD.

Trevor playing his role as a father at Aziel’s pre-K graduation.

Trevor is very talented as well. The house we live in was an old house, and he fixed it up. He keeps our home afloat as I volunteer and build. He knows how and when to invest, makes wise financial decisions, and keeps us out of debt. Guys we live in NYC, one of the most expensive cities in the world!


Do you see how many things happened during the fulfillment of this one dream of getting the PhD?

What is your childhood dream? Is it a dream career or family?

After the PhD, I wanted to be a consultant. I applied to one job in Canada but didn’t get it. I thought that was not what God wanted for me. Then I came to the US, but instead of seeking a job, I allowed God to lead me. He placed me in a small church where I started volunteering in the food pantry and media ministry, and I loved it.

What do you love to do that you would do for free?

After a year, I began searching for a job but was ghosted and rejected. I felt disappointed.

With all my qualifications and experience, why couldn’t I get a job?

At this crossroad, I sought the Lord, and He gave me a book. When I was a teen, I wanted to write books, another childhood dream. We then created this sanchlovelife blog using YouTube videos, it was launched in a week!. I had always wanted a blog, another dream come true. I wrote short stories of how God was working in my life. Soon after, the leaders in my church asked me to become a deacon, another surprise!

These surprises were moments of, “Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,” Ephesians 3:20..

What surprises does God have for you?

As we grew through writing stories on our blog, we got the idea to create newsletters on LinkedIn. I had written in my journal two years before that I would write newsletters about CHANGE, another dream. So, we started creating newsletters telling my stories on LinkedIn. Now, we were among the elite, and many people were seeing our writings. Then, an AI company reached out and offered me a job as a scientific consultant, the very job I had always wanted! Actually, better because I work from home, so I still get to take care of my daughter.

Oh yes, my lovely daughter Azahra. The newest addition to the family! At the time of writing this blog she was two years old.

Another superstar. Azahra can sing and has been bursting out notes since she was about six months old.


She loves to pretend; child actor. Sometimes she is a doctor. Other times she is a gardener, or painter, or gymnast.

Azahra as a gardener.

Azahra as a doctor, she practices on both stuffed animals and humans.

Azahra was not a surprise; we planned for her. Yes, we did. We began planning our lives when I wasn’t getting a job. In our plan, We said it would be nice to have a daughter. That very summer, I got pregnant! So, while she wasn’t a surprise, the timing was a surprise.

What have you been creating?

My job as a scientific consultant is very flexible. It gives me freedom and allows me to grow in storytelling! So, what am I saying? I am saying your stories matter! Share them! Everyone has a story and a way to express it, through your children! Through writing, speaking, songs, poetry, painting, drawing, math (my son does this), science (I did this), cooking, building—whatever you can or have created (they are gifts from God).

Share your stories!

Now, my life is full and has meaning! I pursued a dream career, but I also got a surprise dream family, and my dreams have gotten even bigger! Because I dared to fulfill this one childhood dream of getting the PhD, but better yet, I invited God into my dreams and allowed Him to lead me. I made many mistakes along the way, but I have learned to be kind, forgiving, and compassionate to myself and others. Without these we will get stuck. Now, I am going to show you how you can do the same thing, the right way! Are you ready to fulfill dreams and become the leader you were meant to be? Stay connected by subscribing so you will get these posts directly in your inbox.





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