What it means to be free and loving one another?

Hi Family,

Are we truly free? Are we living the American dream that promises


 Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.

2 Corinthians 3:17

I almost felt guilty celebrating the 4th of July this year. It wasn’t because I don’t feel free—I am free. However, my home country, Jamaica, was just battered by Hurricane Beryl. I still have family in Jamaica, and they are okay, but we continue to pray for those who have suffered loss at this time. I dream of a time when both our families here and there will be in one place. This may not be a physical oneness, yet we hope for a oneness in heart and mind.

What Is Freedom?

A quick Google search defines freedom as the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint. This definition could cause much chaos, don’t you think?

We want and promote freedom of speech, thinking, and actions, but we must also love one another. Having made several mistakes in my relationships while shifting from a bound to a freedom mindset, I’ve learned that we need to establish some order by setting clear boundaries.

Boundaries help protect our well-being and build trust, safety, and respect. For example, in our family (everyone is our family), we do not judge unfairly, belittle, blame, demean, gossip, criticize, or condemn anyone (in other words no harsh language or bullying!). And though we are not quite there, this is where we want to be.

What Does It Mean to Love One Another?

I need a constant reminder of what loving one another means when we are in a culture that bombards us with “its all about me” and “be you” when the “me” or “you” is broken. When we are broken our love may not be coming from a pure place. We may need to first ask ourselves pertinent questions to get to the truth of who we are. Who are you? We then need to practice self love before loving others.

For me, loving one another means being kind, forgiving, and compassionate—to ourselves and others. Loving one another doesn’t mean loving only those who love us, but also those who hate and persecute us. This is not easy, and we will mess up. We cannot do it alone, we need God. God’s mercy enables us to CHANGE and begin again.


Kindness is an essential part of love. It’s about showing empathy and understanding, even when it’s not convenient. A small act of kindness can go a long way in making someone feel valued and appreciated. It’s about putting others before yourself and doing something nice without expecting anything in return. However, we need to have the capacity to do so. When we do not know ourselves, we may very well damage ourselves if we keep putting others before. People pleasing is not kindness.


Forgiveness is another cornerstone of love. Holding onto grudges and resentment can be toxic and damaging to our relationships and well-being. Forgiveness doesn’t mean forgetting or condoning the hurt that was caused; it means letting go of the anger and bitterness. It’s about freeing ourself from the burden of holding onto negativity and allowing ourself to heal and move forward.


Compassion is about being present with someone’s suffering and offering support and understanding. It’s about recognizing that we all have our struggles and challenges and offering a helping hand or knowledge when we can. Compassion fosters connection and a sense of community, reminding us that we are not alone in our experiences.

Freedom and love

Freedom and love are intertwined. True freedom comes with the responsibility to love and respect one another. It means setting boundaries to ensure a safe and respectful environment for everyone. It means being kind, forgiving, and compassionate, not just to those who are easy to love, but to everyone, including those who challenge us. And when our boundaries are not respected, we may need to love from afar.

Let’s strive to embody these principles in our daily lives and continue to spread love and kindness wherever we go. Together, we can create a world where freedom and love coexist, and where every person feels valued and respected.



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