What are dreams and where do they come from?

Over a year ago, I recorded a course on “How to Fulfill your God-Given Dreams.” I am now releasing these recordings on Youtube. I will also make each one available here on the blog with the written script once per week. The recordings were done in one sitting, but will be broken up. 

What are dreams and where do they come from?

Scientists have come up with a number of theories as to what are dreams, where do they come from? They are a series of images and senses that involve the emotions and certain sensations that occur in our mind when we’re resting and while sleeping. It doesn’t have to be when you’re sleeping, It could be a daydream; when you’re resting when your mind is inactive while you are awake. Now, scientists ask questions based on what they know and to get there you have to make certain hypotheses and one of the things scientists (psychologists) don’t necessarily accept is that we are spiritual beings.

The scientists deal with the physical, what’s going on in the brain, in our bodies and in our mind. They know we have a mind but they  they’re not so keen on the spiritual part of us. We are spiritual beings We’re having a physical experience.

Dreams are of the soul. As human beings we have a body which is physical. That’s the flesh, our flesh is being fed by the world, our environment. We also have a spirit, our spirit is from God. The spirit can be infected, based on our environment as well. Are you reading the Word of God? Because if we are not listening to the Word of God, we cannot really know the Word of God. In the spiritual world you are either for or against. If we are not for God, we are against Him. It is that simple, there is no neutral ground. And we possess a soul. This includes the mind, emotions, will, memories, dreams. See image below:

There is a constant flow  of information from the physical world to the body then to the soul  and from the spiritual world to the spirit and to the soul. When we’re having a battle in our minds this is what’s happening. Information  coming from the world, and  from the spirit. Then which spirit? The spirit is not just God, bad spirits as well – the enemy. This is what goes on in the mind and if our souls are not well, then the dreams that we have for ourselves may not be God-given dreams.  Our emotions can be all wrong, because our feelings do not always align with what we know. What we know should be what we learn from the Word of God.

For example, I might feel alone but god says I will never leave nor forsake you Hebrews 13:5, yet I feel alone. That’s one of the things I used to say to myself all the time,  “I’m doing this alone.”

Another thing  I used to say is, “I don’t know.” But in the word, God says I have a plan for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11. What do we know as opposed to what I am feeling? So we trust God, we pray and we trust that he hears us. Then pay attention; pay attention to our thoughts. Pay attention to our feelings. We’ve got to pay attention! We can’t let things just slip. We  can’t just be going around drifting. We have to be alert! Is it well with our souls?

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