Are We Growing or Simply Aging?

Last week, a hot topic was why Joe Biden wouldn’t step down despite appearing physically and perhaps mentally unable to carry out his duties as the President of the United States. This week Kamala Harris has stepped up as the first Black woman to be in the running for President, with the backing of her party. On the surface, this looks like progress. However, research on social media revealed many, including Black women, were very opinionated against this move. This causes me to wonder, are we growing?

Can We See Ourselves? 

Last Sunday, our pastor preached about being “Blinded by Pride.” Pride is the opposite of humility; it is thinking of ourselves more or less than we are. Pride is a deadly sin that can parade itself in many ways unbeknownst to us. It begins in the spirit but can masquerade in every other area of life. If a person does not believe in the spiritual or divine, then pride already exists because what are we saying? That we exist without God? That we are accidents? If the eye is blind, then all other areas are blind. Are we seeking God in some areas of our lives but not in others? Are we blinded by pride?

In my previous life as a scientist, I would often make career (mental) decisions by first praying and asking for directions. As such, my career flourished somewhat. I had limited God to career advancement. However, in most of the other areas of my life—spiritual, emotional, relational, financial, and entertainment, especially in relationships—I was blind and did not know it. I could not see myself and thus did not truly know myself.

How can we know ourselves?

If we cannot see ourselves, who can? Who has enough interest and care for us to lovingly say we might be blind in an area of our lives? Can we be accountable to each other? Will we examine ourselves? Will we develop our minds to know when we lack knowledge in an area? This emphasizes the need to know God, foster strong relationships, and be part of a community; we cannot do it alone.

I went to Canada to fulfill a childhood dream and to know God. After attending a church my lab-mate introduced me to for some time, I got baptized. I felt different, and even before baptism was announced, I thought about it. Then I felt the need to be among like-minded people. Interestingly, I did not go searching at school. I joined a program at church and began to ask thought-provoking questions even with a heavy PhD schedule. We make time for the things we are interested in.

What interests you?

Immediately, people around me started directing me to certain groups, saying I would do well in this or that discussion group. And I did. Soon, certain strengths, skills, natural abilities, and passions emerged or re-emerged, such as discussion, asking thought-provoking questions, word of knowledge, speaking, and storytelling. I loved telling stories about God and how He worked in my life. I remember having some of these abilities when I was a teen.

What strengths, skills, natural abilities, and passions do you have? What environment do you need for them to shine?

Keep growing

When we have identified how we are structured; our strengths, skills, natural abilities, passions, and experiences, we can then develop or refine them. If we are on the older side we have been using our structure sometimes without knowing, behind the scenes. Therefore, we can use our experiences to go further. If we are young we need to grow our experiences while refining and developing our structure. This is how we can grow intentionally. 

As for those of us who think that Kamala is unqualified to be in the running for the position of the president of the United States, do you know how she has been growing behind the scenes? Many people would say I am not qualified to be a writer, do you know how I have been developing these skill throughout my life? When the opportunity shows up, sometimes this is an idea or a dream, it is time to combine what we have to take us further. Regardless of how it looks, whenever people get promoted honestly as in this situation, promotion comes from the Lord.

So, let’s continue to grow intentionally so that when the opportunities come our way we will be ready and that we will not be blinded by pride!

Here are Actionable Steps to Grow Intentionally:

  1. Self-Reflection: Regularly take time to reflect on who we are. What are our strengths, weaknesses, natural abilities, passions, and experiences? Identify, develop, and serve.
  2. Seek Feedback: Be open to receiving feedback from others, especially those who care about you and have your best interests at heart.
  3. Engage in Community: Surround yourself with a supportive community that encourages growth and holds you accountable.
  4. Plan our life: Clearly define our personal and professional plans. Break them into goals and actionable steps, and work consistently towards them. Review and revise as necessary.
  5. Continuous growth: Keep growing spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, relationally, and financially.
  6. Give ourselves grace: When we make mistakes or feel like we have not quite made the mark. Know that we can always begin again.

Have you had an experience where you got promoted for a position you were unsure you were ready for? How did you handle it?

Until next time.



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