Embrace Your Uniqueness: Finding Value Beyond Fitting In

Last week, I sat down and watched all 10 chapters (yes, they call them chapters) of Geek Girl in one go. I do this sometimes—though I’m working on balance, especially now with a second child. In the movie, Harriet, a sensitive misunderstood teen, spends her high school years trying to fit in. After her class wins a trip to London Fashion Week ( oh yea, New York Fashion week is going on now!), she stumbles upon unique strengths within herself through coaching. 

Discovering Your Uniqueness

Have we lost ourselves trying to fit in?

Don’t you wish being human came with a book? We’re told that we’re all unique, so perhaps one book might not be enough. Or could there be (one book)?


As adults, it can feel like we’re still stuck in high school, trying to fit into groups of “like-minded people.” But if we take a closer look, we might notice that everyone in these groups often have similar behaviour.

Have we lost our individuality? Are we conforming to social norms at the expense of being our true selves?

In Geek Girl, Harriet excels academically however, she is teased by a group of people in her school for being smart. What group of people would tease a person for being smart?

Anyway, in fashion class, it was Harriet’s best friend who was the expert. While her friend is ready for the fashion world, it’s Harriet who gets scouted and becomes the fashion model superstar.

What is Your Unique Natural Ability?

Some of us have one talent, some two, others five. Like Harriet, I did well in school, though it didn’t come easy—I had to work hard. Even if we have a natural ability, we still need to refine it.

During my PhD in Biochemistry in Canada, I followed a friend to her church. Curiosity led me to ask thought-provoking questions, sparking insightful discussions. Before long, people started directing me to various groups within the church.

Though I didn’t plan to pursue academia, I was offered a teaching position at a local university through a connection from this church. Focused on my studies and feeling unworthy, I passed the opportunity to my friend, who had always wanted to be a professor.

Are we giving up opportunities because we feel unworthy or are too focused on our own plans?

The next year, another opportunity came along—and this time, I accepted it, even though I had yet to finish my PhD. We multitaskers can juggle more than one thing at a time and do them well. During my short time as an assistant professor, I realized I didn’t want to teach science subjects—I wanted to teach life. That’s when I knew I wanted to be a life coach!

Where Do You Place Your Value?

Is it on money? Image? A job? Things? Other people’s opinion?

I know what it feels like to question our value. After applying for job after job and facing rejection, it can shake our confidence and make us question and shrink our dreams. When hope feels lost, it’s crucial to revisit our core values and ask ourself big questions like, “Who am I?” and “Why am I here?”

Everyone is valuable, but if you’re like me—naturally curious, good at explaining things (anything, your thing), technically skilled, and a problem solver—you are highly valuable. Whether you’re employed or still searching, whether it’s been months or years, you are valuable.

Don’t forget that.

Maybe you’re not finding a job because your skills, natural abilities, passions, and experiences are meant for something bigger—perhaps even starting a business that solves significant problems in the world!

Don’t Limit Yourself

Is There A Place For Those Of Us who are Unique?


Even when we feel different or misunderstood, there is a place where we belong. A place where our core values align with our professional and personal lives, and where we can use our strengths, natural abilities, passions, and experiences to make a difference in the world.

Are you adventurous and like to travel?

Opportunities to travel with all expenses paid can also come your way. Sounds like heaven on earth, right?

Don’t miss your opportunity!

How to Let Your Uniqueness Shine

Be the authentic you!

The real you—with fears, yet still pursuing dreams. The unashamed, brave, and free you. In Geek Girl, Harriet couldn’t walk in heels at first—she stumbled but kept going. Criticized and even set up to fail, she stayed true to herself and kept trying her best. Eventually, even those who disagreed with her career path came around. By staying true to herself, she became a supermodel with her own unique clothing line.

Does this story resonate with you?

Hi, I’m Sanchia, and I want to help you harness your uniqueness so you can become your version of a superstar. If you’re ready to embrace who you truly are and use your gifts to create a life of impact, let’s connect. Your journey to unlocking your full potential starts now—are you ready?

In the movie Harriet travelled to Ottawa Canada for her first international gig. See pictures of me in similar locations in Ottawa where I went for an all expenses paid academic conference.

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