Hi Family

How are you feeling?

No Fitting In

There was a time when I felt like a nomad, traveling to places like Norway, Austria, England, and Peru.

Norway – one of my first trips abroad for work. These wonderful girls from Ethiopia, Nigeria, and Indonesia welcomed me as if we knew each other for years!

Peru – I went here as a visiting scientist.

Northern Peru – Here with Esther (America) and Candace (Canada), such good times.

Austria – Workshop at the IAEA headquarters. Me and colleagues from Jamaica.

London – Me and my classmates from India and Spain after riding the London Eye.

And while I’ve enjoyed Jamaica (where I was born) and all these amazing places, I always felt like I didn’t truly fit in anywhere. Interestingly, wherever I went, people would ask, “Are you American?” Yet, I carried this sense of longing for something more, for a place where I felt I truly belonged.

What Do You Want to Do With Your Life?

Brave and Free

People often ask me, “What do you want to do with your life?” I have multiple skills and love to learn, but I couldn’t always put those skills into words. Many would say, “You’re bright,” or “You’re brave.” But what did that mean?

Before moving to America, it seemed like I had a promising career in life sciences. I spent 15 years in the field, with countless opportunities to learn, teach, and travel.

I’m forever grateful to all the people (so many) — both personally and professionally—who helped make this possible!

I loved the sciences, but even after all those years, I never published a journal article. In life sciences, it’s often “publish or perish.” So while I loved the career, it seems it wasn’t truly meant for me. It was a stepping stone, not the final destination.

Are we spending too much time in jobs meant to be a bridge to our true destination?

Are we getting stuck in the process, or are we avoiding it altogether?

What Area Do We Have Dominion Over?

“And God blessed them and said unto them, ‘Be fruitful, multiply, replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and every living thing that moves on the earth.’” (Genesis 1:28)

Where are we using our strengths, skills, natural abilities, and experiences to dominate? Have we become experts in any area of our lives?

Have you heard of the famous 10,000-hour rule, which says if you spend 10,000 hours in an area (about 5 years working full-time or 10 years part-time), you become an expert? But even when we become experts, is it the right field for us? Or is it just preparation for something bigger?

What Do People Come to You For?

LinkedIn is a great platform for discovering what you’re good at. Fill out your work experience, and see who approaches you or what job offers you receive. That’s how I realized I had expertise in areas I hadn’t considered.

But the best way to know is to ask God. That’s where we come in—helping people recognize their strengths, skills, and natural abilities, and using their experiences to guide them toward their true calling. Sadly, many live below their potential due to mindset blocks and misconceptions.

Do We Know Ourselves?

Do we know where we’re going?

I believe God gives us dreams to guide us toward the place we’re meant to be. Fulfilling these dreams (according to His will) leads to something more profound, but we must seek it out.

Some of us may stay in one city our entire lives—and that’s okay. Others may need to pursue dreams that only come true in specific places, whether in different cities or countries.

This place is called destiny, purpose, or calling. It’s more than just a physical location. With technology like Zoom and other online platforms, the definition of “place” has expanded. But ultimately, it’s a spiritual place where our personal and professional values align with those Jesus modeled for us. And in that place, we flourish—just like the Bible says, “The righteous will flourish like a green leaf” (Proverbs 11:28).

How to know where we belong

When searching for a job or a partner to do life with, it’s not about image, money, intelligence, achievements or even talent. It’s about aligning our personal and professional values. Today, we call this “work-life balance” or “work-life integration.” But first, we need to know what our values are. Do you know yours? Are we living according to them?

True work-life integration is heaven on earth. It’s not just a job—it’s what you were born to do. It comes naturally, even though it requires refinement and mastery.

Have You Found It Yet?

Hi, I’m Sanchia. I’m here to help you discover your unique strengths and align your personal and professional life with your true purpose. Let’s explore the place where you truly belong. Reach out (info@sanchiagayle.com) today and let’s start the journey together!



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