Are you waiting on God, or is God waiting on you?

I have been asking myself this question for a while. I get the feeling that God wants to move me into something new, but I cannot seem to reach it. Now, I am learning and continue to learn what God has been trying to teach me through many prayers, scriptures, sermons, and information gathering. Many of us struggle with this question. The answer depends on what we think we are waiting for.

We are called to be Holy

In the later part of Ephesians, Paul wrote on how to live as Christians. To sum it up, we are to be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as Christ forgave you. Ephesians 4:32. We are to walk in love just as Christ loved us, this requires sacrifice Ephesians 5:2. Doing everything with thanksgiving and understanding the Lord’s will. Ephesians 5:17.

On the contrary, there should not be any kind of impurity or greed, obscenity, foolish talk, or coarse joking. Have nothing to do with fruitless deeds of darkness. Ephesians 5:3-4.

Simply put, we should be holy. Are you holy?

Therefore, if you are not holy, God is waiting on you. As Believers, everything we do should bring us closer to becoming holy and spiritually mature. Are you allowing God to permeate your life, changing you into His character?

Becoming holy is an ongoing process. You never truly arrive. We need Jesus.

However, while you are on your journey, remember that Jesus came and saved us not only from sin but also to do the works He prepared for us to do. The work is already there to do He is preparing you for the work. You may be a visionary with the ability to perceive in part what to do (you never know the complete plan). Should we move or should we wait?

You are waiting on God

“Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall, but those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.” Isaiah 40:30-31

God will always prepare you for what He wants you to do. Preparation seasons can seem difficult – learn the lessons. The lessons can also pass by unnoticed, be careful. Life requires us to live aware, not just of the physical but of our mental and spiritual state. We need to be conscious to learn the lessons. These lessons will get you through your next assignment.

If we are living, there is an assignment for us to do. Sometimes this assignment may seem insignificant or mundane, yet you have big dreams and goals that you want to fulfill. You probably have tried everything. You probably got lots of rejections. During this time, God is preparing you for something bigger, probably the same dreams you have. Many times, you may not know what it is, and you will not know how long this preparation time takes.

While waiting

Focus on God

Focusing on God requires you to acknowledge that you are a spiritual being and that you have a higher authority who is in control. Build your relationship with God and come into alignment with His plan.

Take care of yourself

This includes all of you. The physical, mental/ emotional, and spiritual states. Do exercises that not only help you to feel good but challenge you. Be conscious of your thoughts and emotions. Prepare a vision for the future. Develop the mental habits that will take you to that future.

Do what is in front of you.

Stay present and do not get distracted. Pay attention to the theme. Look closely at what skills are you learning or refining? If it seems mundane, you may be refining your natural gifts. To you, the assignment may seem boring because it is natural to you. Be conscious of the skills you are learning or refining.

Serve where you are now

Interestingly, another word for serve is waiting. When we serve someone or an organization, we are waiting on them. This meaning best fits how God wants us to wait. Look for opportunities to serve, even if it is not related to your vocation. Serve with a willing heart and not just out of obligation or with an ulterior motive.

Remember that you are valuable

When you are waiting, it is tempting to think you are not valuable if you are not getting that “thing” (the job, to start the business, to get married, to have a baby, etc.)” you want so badly. However, pay attention because others will value what you are doing, even if you are not compensated for it. Do not mistake what you are doing for your value. You are valuable regardless of what you do.

Get advice

Ask God for clarity sometimes He will point you to somebody. On the other hand, some people will try to speak into your situation thinking they know what you should do, do not fall for it. If you decide to get a coach, be sure they have the same core beliefs as you. But remember you cannot rush God. Also, many people are giving advice, but you may not know from where they get their information. What works for them may not work for you. God has His ways to do things (His ways are higher Isaiah 55:9). Wait on the Lord.

Do not fall for the temptation to get frustrated, complain, or murmur

Yes, you feel like you were meant for more. You may have gotten a vision. You feel ready. But if God has not opened a door for you, probably you are not ready. God knows when you are ready, and He will promote you when it is time (promotion comes from God Psalm 75:6-7).

God is waiting on you

While the previous section spoke about “You waiting on God,” if you look closely, it is God that is waiting on you. He is waiting for you to change your perspective (repent), forgive, love, be patient, be thankful, or become more aware of who He (God) is, and who you are. In 2 Peter 3: 9, It says “The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead, he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” So, if you find yourself waiting, even for a long time, perhaps you have not humbled yourself to his teachings or will. Pay attention because many of us get stuck thinking we are waiting on God.

Say yes, try it

God will send opportunities to you

Usually, the opportunities will be through connections. Pay attention to opportunities that may come up during this period. For example, opportunities to speak or to write. Seek God first before taking any opportunity. But sometimes God is silent because He already prepared you, choose the opportunity that honors God and serve others.

Unexplainable things begin to happen

What are you doing with the gifts that God gave you? Are you praying for His will to be done in your life? When crazy things begin to happen in your life, God could be trying to get your attention for a while, and now you must move. Yes, that trouble you are going through could be an opportunity for you to use the gifts God has entrusted to you.

Sometimes God will give you a personal assignment

Such as writing a book or starting a business. It can be unclear to discern these assignments if you are stuck on following traditions or culture. Most times, you have been trained extensively in the area, even if you are unaware of it. You may have always wanted to write a book or start a business, and now you have an intense urge to do so. You are unable to stop thinking about it. It is probably time to do it. Stop looking for signs; try it.

You have an idea that honours God and the vision for your life

Do it; if you have the provision; and if you have the potential to do it, do it. Even if everything is not aligned, try it. Perhaps you need to take the first steps before the provisions are released. If it is not God, He knows where you are and what you are doing. Continue to seek the Lord; if you miss your step, He will get you back on the path you need to go. If you are going after the idea and it is just not happening, even though you know you can do it, it may not be the right time, or perhaps the idea is bigger than you think.

What if it seems too demanding?

Do not mistake the difficulties you face for God’s disapproval. There will be obstacles. If the idea persists, overcome the problems, God is with you (God will never leave nor forsake you).

Not now!

Sometimes God will present an opportunity in the middle of difficulty or crisis. You need discernment to understand what God is doing. It may seem inconvenient. You will feel uncomfortable because all you want is to get back to the familiar. Look for the opportunity and press into it.

Finish your assignment

Sometimes you are doing what seems like an insignificant assignment (or one you do not want to do), and you suddenly get a bigger idea. While the new goal could be from God, complete the current assignment even if you begin the next task. It is best to understand this because the next idea may not materialize until the first assignment is complete.

Redeem the times

In other words, redeem the times or make the most of every opportunity you get. Ephesians 5:16. You may think you are waiting on God to give you your desires (worldly), but instead, submit yourselves to the Lord and do what you are called to do.

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