Hi Family,

“Waiting on the Lord” – What does it really mean?

You know, there’s a saying, “As he thinks in his heart, so is he,” Proverbs 23:7. Essentially, it means that our thoughts shape who we are and what we become. But how does this relate to waiting on the Lord?

Let me share a bit of my journey. Back in my academic days, everyone seemed to be aiming for a professorship. But for me, that wasn’t it.

I would say, “what I know for sure is that I didn’t want to become a professor.”

I did not realize that if I didn’t know what I wanted, I’d be stuck in a rut. Eventually, I figured out I wanted to do consulting, but it took time, because my mindset wasn’t right.

Knowing what you don’t want is not enough, know what you want!

Funny enough, I ended up teaching microbiology for a short while. But deep down, I knew it wasn’t my thing. I wanted to inspire faith and help others find their purpose. I didn’t know how, though. 

But then, I took a leap. I immersed myself in my passion for teaching faith and started writing about it. My book and blog are a result of this, they show the backend of how I achieve my goals, even when I’m not sure what I want.

Looking back, I realize that I could’ve pursued consulting right out of university, but my mind wasn’t there yet. It’s like God was waiting for me to get my mindset right before blessing me with the desires of heart.

So, are we asking for things without aligning our minds? 

“As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.”

Let’s get our minds and hearts right.

Be blessed!


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