July reflections

We have been working on balancing our personal and professional life, to ensure we will not get burnt out. We understand that rest is necessary for productivity, so our family took a mini-vacation to Niagara Falls, Canada. For my son, Aziel, who was born in Canada, this trip was a walk down memory lane. Our traveling family has grown! We were a group of twelve: Trevor, Aziel, Azahra, Malany, Andrew, Chantal, Grandma Gloria, Grandpa Perth, Derrick, Fabian, Aden, and me. Although it was the first trip to Canada for some of us, we all had a great time together.

Spiritual Growth

This July, we’re embracing our personal values of kindness, forgiveness, compassion, family, and growth. We’ve also recognized how our professional values of freedom and flexibility intertwine with these personal values. As a result, I decided to step away from a few positions to focus on what truly matters. It’s a reminder that to excel, we must know what’s right for us. We all have a specific purpose—have you found yours?

The kids attended Vacation Bible School, where they learned about the faithfulness of God, and participated in art and craft activities, which they absolutely loved.

Aziel has been getting some revelation as to who he is and the things he loves. One of these loves is reading the Bible! Interestingly, Aziel received an action bible from one of our Canadian friends Lia this weekend. Lia mentioned that she bought this Bible over a year ago, but was unable to post it. We believe this Bible is right on time. Aziel owns about three other Bibles, but this comic themed Bible is fitting for him as he loves and creates his own action comics. Thank you, Lia!


Physical Wellness

One of my top priorities is getting more rest—not just any rest, but quality rest. This weekend, I finally did just that. We took a road trip to Canada! Although it was a short trip, and I wasn’t able to visit all the friends I wanted to, I did meet with one dear friend. Spending time with her felt like a peaceful and positive reset. The rest of our group went on to Toronto to meet their family and friends. 



I realized that rest isn’t just about sleep. It’s about being at peace, not constantly seeking the next thing to do, and trusting that God has everything under control.

The kids have been engaging in unstructured play as we hop from park to park across the city.



Keela, Sabrina, Sandia, and Alexia had birthdays this month. Happy birthday lovelies.

Mental Growth

What are we doing to grow our minds?

I decided to take a course on Genesis from Hillsdale College. They offer many free courses, and you even get a certificate at the end. I’ve read Genesis many times, but one thing that stood out during this course was the story of Hagar. When Hagar left Abraham’s house, God heard her cry and told her to return and endure her suffering. It’s a reminder that sometimes, God does send us into tough situations—this is not content for the faint of heart.

The kids, who love all things math, spent an afternoon at the National Museum of Mathematics. It was like letting kids loose in a candy store—they were beyond excited! Mathematics is great for building the mind, it helps us to think logically and enhances our reasoning skills.

Emotional Check-In

How have we been feeling?

Since making some tough decisions, I feel more at peace and have greater clarity. This will allow me to focus and be more productive. Now, I have the capacity to help others, and I’ve come to accept that not everyone wants to be better. Some of us are so blind, we do not know. However, when we know better, we can do better.

Fulfilling dreams can feel like an emotional roller coaster, and it can be exhausting if we’re unaware of what’s happening. I’ve been learning when it’s time to take a break, rest, reflect, and worship at this level (with family including two young children). Sometimes worship means spending time in nature. Our trip to Niagara Falls gave us the opportunity to do just that. Sometimes, slowing down is the answer.

Aziel has been having some big feelings. I am so proud of him; he understands what he is feeling and he knows how to name them. When we understand and are able to name our feelings and emotions half the battle is won. Do you know how to identify what you are feeling?

Relational Dynamics

How are our relationships going?

Having grown up with emotional neglect, I often find relationships to be a struggle. I have a few friends who are easy to get along with—we may not talk for months, but when we do, it’s effortless and beautiful. These friends are pursuing their goals and living with purpose or at least seeking to do so. On the other hand, there are relationships that feel like a constant struggle. Unless you are my husband or my children, when these relationships no longer serve my family or cause disruption in the community, it’s time to let go. Often, it’s because our values don’t align. Do you know when it’s time to let go of certain relationships?

On the other hand, Azahra is having a grand time with her grannies. On our trip we had a rare case of four generations present: Grandpa and grandma, Malany (Trevor’s mom), Trevor, Aziel and Azahra.

Financial Awareness

I have much to learn about financing businesses—it’s quite different from working for others. As we plan for what we want in life and in business, we need to prepare for the opportunities that may come our way. On this journey of continuous growth and change, being prepared is key.

Recreation and Rest

How important is it to rest and refresh?

Extremely important! Sometimes we keep ourselves busy, thinking we’re working for the Lord, but we might actually be building something else. God doesn’t give us more than we can bear, so if we’re feeling overwhelmed, it might be time to let go, rest, and refresh.

Our road trip left us feeling rested and refreshed. We had an adventure at the Fallsview Indoor Waterpark, some of us took a boat ride to see the falls up close, some of us went on trails, go-karting at Speedway , gaming, and sightseeing. Even though I’ve been to Niagara Falls multiple times, this trip felt special. Something amazing is about to happen—are you ready?




We thank Terry for lending us his van that was big enough to take all twelve of us! We thank each member of our travelling team, we love this crew. Thanks to Andrew for the lovely pictures and videos! Thanks to Grandma Gloria and Grandpa Perth for their presence. Thanks to Fabian and Derrick for your jovial spirits, which made the journey lighter. Thanks to Malany for the fried chicken (you need to patent that chicken – Malany Fried Chicken),  and especially thanks to Trevor who planned the entire trip (he is private and doesn’t want his picture taken)! You are getting better at this and our family is better for it.

Until next time,



2 Responses

  1. I enjoyed reading this blog!! I echo your thoughts and perspective about this recent mini Vacay I shared with a few people how it felt like we were there for longer that just the weekend. This trip was awesome and I enjoyed every minute of it I came back refreshed and uplifted…can’t wait for the next one😎💯💪🏾

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