Know and remember his promises. Day 6

Know and remember His promises

Read, study, know and remember the Word of God. We get to know God when we begin to understand His word. God inspired the writings of the Bible. All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for the teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:14 NIV). What does the Bible say about God? The Bible says God is faithful, He loves us, He will strengthen us, He will fight for us, and so much more. He does what He says He will do, and we can trust Him. But the only way we will know what God says is to know and remember what He wrote.

God is faithful to His promises

God will fulfill His promises to us because of who He is. He is not a man to lie, He is unchangeable and unwavering in His ways and promises. The Bible is full of promises from God to His people – those who seek, trust and remain in Him. He always keeps His end of the bargain even when the person or people (group of persons) were not faithful. We are the ones who lack in our faith and trust towards God. Our problem is in the waiting. God will do it, but it will be in His timing, not ours. When what we expect does not happen when or even how we want it, we doubt God. We do not need to doubt God. We need to know and remember His promises. While reading and studying the Bible you will find many promises that speak to you personally; write them, remember them, and speak them over your life.

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God will never leave nor forsake us, Deut 31:6

He will direct us, Psalm 23, Prov 3:6

God will strengthen us, Psalm 46: 1-3, Psalms 18:2, Psalm 27:1, 28:7, Prov 10:29, Isaiah 40: 29-31, Isaiah 41:10

He promises us good success (success as defined by God), Prov 16:3, 1Kings 2:3, Jerimiah 17:7, Duet 8:18, Psalm 37:4

Jesus promises that we will bear good fruit, John 15:5

God promises that He will fight for us, Exodus 14:14, Josh 23:10, Isaiah 40:31, Deut 3:22, Psalm 44:5

There is life and death in the power of the tongue, Proverbs 18:21

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