Keep the communication going: pray without ceasing

Speak to God regularly. There is no better way to stay connected to Christ than to talk to Him daily. Praying is the communication between you and God. If you are already in a relationship with God, you will know how to communicate with Him, and you will know His voice. My sheep hear my voice. (John 10:27).

Communication with God is a two-way street. Prayer is not you speaking all the time; the conversation should include both parties. Be still at some point during this conversation to hear what God has to say. Although Jesus taught us how to pray with the “Lord’s Prayer,” there is no one perfect way to pray. You can find several effective prayers throughout the Old Testament.

Pray without ceasing, praying all kinds of prayer. Pray to remind God of His promises, not that He needs reminding. But when you pray what He already promised, you are asking for His will. Pray gut-wrenching prayers; crying out and with groanings when you are in pain and do not know what to say. For our Father knows what we need, and the Holy Spirit intercedes for us. Pray breakthrough prayers when you are in a situation where you do not know what to do. Thank God with thanksgiving prayers for the things He has already given to you.

Pray throughout your day. Prayer is nothing fancy speak to God like an awesome friend because that is who He is to us. And no one has to know that you are praying, pray in you mind. Sometimes all we can say is Lord help me! And he hears us! Prayer also permits God to intervene. Yes, He is the all-knowing God, and He knows what we need, but we have not because we ask not. I cannot say it enough, pray without ceasing.

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1 Thessalonians 5:17

John 10: 27

Matthew 6:9-13

Luke 11:2-4

Ephesians 6:18

Matthew 6:8

Romans 8:26-27

James 4:2-3

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