Could dreams be doors to our purpose in life?

From Dreams to Purpose

Why fulfill our dreams?

Dreams in this post refer to inspiration from God through ideas, imagination, inspirations, goals, desires, visions, and actual dreams (while awake or asleep). These dreams require growth in our spiritual lives (they honor God). They require growth in other areas of our lives (physical, mental, or emotional) that honors us. Additionally, dreams require growth realtionally; they honor others.

Dreams are dear to our hearts. They reveal our passions and what we truly value. God placed some of our dreams in our hearts. However, many of us have built walls around our hearts because of disappointments, pain, trauma, rejection, and abandonment. God has no access, and neither do others.

In Revelation 3:20, Jesus said,

Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.

This verse speaks to having the presence of the Lord at all times. Is that not our purpose, to have the presence of God with us at all times?

Another verse that echos this is…
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever. Psalms 23:6

Could dreams be doors to our purpose in life?

Here is my experience.

During my childhood I felt misunderstood, so I would journal my thoughts and feelings. Reading the Bible, particularly the Psalms would calm my negative feelings and emotions. I also prayed regularly and wrote down whatever ideas (dreams) came to mind.

Two dreams stood out as a child. I wanted to get a PhD, and I wanted to write books that helped people. Then, becoming a writer was not so popular, and I did not know how. However, I was familiar with how to earn a PhD; get an undergraduate degree, a master’s degree, and a PhD in that order, most times. This journey was not a straight line for me.

The undergraduate (biotechnology) and master’s degrees (microbiology) were easy compared to the PhD in biochemistry. I had to buckle down. During that time, although I still liked the sciences another passion was developing or rediscovered. I had joined a small group at church, this was my first time in a small group. In a small group, we discuss in-depth topics from the Bible and sometimes further discussions on the previous sermon. It was amazing, I found people who thought like me! We loved to talk about the Bible and God.

While I enjoyed being in a small group at church, work was demanding, and my personal life was getting out of whack. The place where I found refuge was in God, journalling, and my small group. And so this learning, talking about, and to God grew into a real passion. Hence, I am here to give you tips on spiritual growth.

Back to dreams now.

During my PhD, I kept thinking I needed to write about this – my experience. At that time, I didn’t recognize that this was my childhood dream re-emerging to write books that would help people. I completed the PhD while teaching at another university, and resolved many personal issues, all the while still discussing God in my small group.

After the PhD I wanted to become a consultant, but I chose to come to the US to reunite with my family. While here, I took time to rest and then I began my job hunt (forgetting that I wanted to do consulting). During the job search, I realized I would need to compromise my values to get the jobs or work for companies that didn’t believe in what I believed. I decided to take a stand and I sought the Lord.

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Matthew 6:33.

The book Fulfill the Dream: Life Lessons on Pursuing a PhD was birthed.  Soon after the book, I started the blog (I wanted to start a blog during my adulthood), which is my personal journey. Now, I am married with two children, I wrote a book, a started a blog, a Consultant and Life Coaching company, I started two other companies and counting, and I am a leader in my church and other community activities, all while frequently attending small group meetings (now I attend more than one).

Finally, I am living a full and satisfied life – my purpose, and it all began with my dreams of earning a PhD and writing books that helped people. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life!

When we embark on our dreams to help others, it opens us up to what God wants for us, because we cannot fulfill these dreams without Him. Fulfilling our dreams requires obedience and humility.

So, if you are seeking the purpose that God has for you, won’t you begin the process by fulfilling your dreams (to help others) that will open the door and dine with the King of kings and Lord of Lords?

Sweet dreams!

If you’ve been thinking about writing a book, starting a blog, building an online business, going back to school, or moving to another country, it’s worth considering the guidance of a consultant or coach. Choose someone like myself who has walked similar paths and shares the same values and beliefs as you or that you want to have. If you’re prepared to fully realize your potential, let’s begin your journey right here.

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