Man shall not live by bread alone

“But He answered and said, ‘It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.’” Matt 4:4

We need food for our physical and spiritual health. In the same way we eat food to feed our bodies to gain physical strength, we need to feed on the word of God to have spiritual strength. Many persons are now into physical health, we are trying various health promoting diets, we go to the gym, we hop on the treadmill or other exercise machines in our living rooms, or we walk or run a few to several miles per day. But what are we doing about our spiritual health?

Feed your spirit with the word of God

Human beings are spiritual beings having a physical experience. Both the physical and spiritual entities need to be sustained to reach the fullest expression of oneself. Jesus, the full expression of God and man, used the above verse when He was tempted by the devil. Not only that, for every temptation, Jesus fought the devil by quoting the Word of God (His word). The Word of God is the spiritual food we need to sustain our spiritual health.

Jesus is the Word

Thank God, His Word is available to us. The Word of God, the Holy Bible, is available to us. Also available to us is Jesus the Christ. Jesus is the Word (John 1: 1). But are you reading it, or studying him? We will be tempted, and we need the Word (keep His teachings in our heart) to fight and win when the battles come. The only way to have the Word of God in our hearts, so it will be available to us when we need it, is to read and study it and him (Jesus) daily.

Perhaps that hunger you have can only be satisfied by spiritual food – the Word. Take the time daily to feed on the Word of God.

Download full devotional

Matthew 4:4

2 Timothy 2:15

2 Timothy 3:16-17

Psalm 119:11

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