Finding Direction at Life’s Crossroads: Seeking the Kingdom of God

Hi Family,

Are you at a point in life where you need to make a decision but feel uncertain? Are you currently facing a crossroads, feeling like there’s more to life than you’re experiencing now? Do you feel like you should be further along in life? Maybe you want to go back to school, travel, get married, have children, start a new job, or launch a business. If you’re thinking it and seeing it in your mind, then it is possible.

“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” – Matt 6:33

What does it mean to seek the kingdom of God? It means seeking God’s governance or authority over every area of our lives: spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, relationally, financially, and even our will. And let me not forget entertainment. I often overlook this part, but my son always reminds me.

“Mom, we still need entertainment,” he often says.

We do need to have fun. It’s no coincidence that this blog is called Sanchlovelife! I love to have fun, and yes, Jesus needs to have authority over the fun we’re having as well.

Please understand that God is merciful and gracious, He is also patient. Although He is always working in and on us, He does not work on all the areas of our lives at the same time. This walk with God is a lifestyle for a lifetime.

However, we should know that in this world, there are two kingdoms: the kingdom of God and the kingdom of the enemy. We are either for one or the other; there is no neutral ground.

Which kingdom are we a part of?

If we don’t know the answer, then we have a decision to make. This is the first step towards seeking the Kingdom.

I attended church for many years but had no clue about the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of God is bigger than just the church, although the church is a part of it. I went to church, but I was also in the world. While I knew about Jesus, my relationship with Him was limited to just certain areas of my life, such as my career. As a result, my career flourished somewhat. I got to travel and did many courses in various countries.

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These activities expose us to different ways of thinking and open our mind.

Whereas, Jesus is the way the truth and the life; Jesus can use anyone and anything to do his work here on earth. And, no matter what the situation is, there is always an answer that is in accordance with Gods principles. Stay humble!

Nevertheless, I wasn’t moving up into leadership positions. I didn’t even realize this. I was able to pay my bills, save, and do the things I wanted to do, so it didn’t dawn on me that I should be advancing into leadership. If you’ve been working for many years in the same position, especially if it’s not a leadership role, this is an indication that you are probably not where you are destined to be. If you are a child of God; we all are, some of us just haven’t realized it yet! God wants more for us.

Have we settled into comfort?

Remember those dreams we had as children and even as adults? Some of them are still available! What have you been dreaming, thinking, or talking about lately?

Over a decade ago when I reached this crossroads, I started thinking about going back to school. I always wanted to get a PhD, but apparently, I wasn’t ready. Another opportunity came up for me to go to Peru. Interestingly, while in Peru, I met a gentleman from Africa who gave me a book called “Understanding the Purpose and Power of Women: God’s Design for Female Identity” by the late Dr. Myles Munroe. At that time, he was still alive. Whenever someone gives you a book, read that book! It may have profound information for your future because when the student is ready, the teacher appears. It’s true.

I didn’t read that book. I gave it away. No wonder the last five years of my life felt like a struggle—I was missing important knowledge for the opportunity God had for me. Don’t let the same thing happen to you.

Nevertheless, I made it here, and He is not going to leave me, for Jesus gave us this promise, “I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Matt 28:20.

When I got back home from Peru (I will write an entire post on Peru), the thought of getting my PhD persisted. I prayed. But the thought continued. I made the decision and began searching for a program that interested me. I saw a post on Facebook the other day that says there is nothing more powerful than a focused mind. While it might not be the most powerful, there is some truth to it. Whenever we seek and search for something with all our mind, heart; the soul, we will get what we seek.

What are we seeking?

Interestingly, the one thing that this focus thinking will not bring you is money. In fact, when we pursue money, it become elusive and we end up scheming and manipulating to get it. Instead, seek to add value to others and money will find you.

Eventually, I found a PhD program that not only accepted me but also paid me to level up in knowledge! These opportunities are available. Not only did they pay me to gain priceless knowledge and experience, but I had no obligation when I was done.

Why aren’t we taking these opportunities?

You can find more of these stories in my book.

Stay tuned (by subscribing) as this story progresses.

Until next time,




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