A time to reflect, cookies and ginger beer

It is the beginning of another year. It is usually an exciting time, but the past few years may have shattered that excitement with much uncertainty. What should we do? Should we look to see what will happen? Should we make resolutions? Or should we capture a vision for our lives while being flexible with the “how will we get there?” The latter seems promising, but who knows… I know I will continue to be grateful and grow personally. Leading up to this time, I reflected on the past year, listened to music, and made cookies and ginger beer (the easiest additional things I could do with two active kids). 

Homemade ginger beer

The cookies (my recipe with very little sugar, I know it is a cookie! it is supposed to be sweet) were not the best. One of our cousins commented, “it tastes like communion bread!” I guess baking is not my gift (haha). And the ginger beer was too spicey, at least to my son, who loves ginger beer. An idea came to me, finally something I can do, I wrote a long gratitude list because we “Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” (1 Thessalonians 5:18). Here is the shortened version…

I am grateful…

1.         That there is a God in heaven who knows all and sees all. I am grateful that He searches our hearts. I am grateful when He convicts and corrects me. I am glad He closes doors nobody can open and opens doors nobody can shut. I am grateful for His goodness and His mercy, they are new every morning. 

2.         That I am still here. We get another chance! I ask myself, will I do the same things, expecting a different result? Or will I change and grow?

3.         That I know who my source is, who I am, why I am here, what I can do, and where I am going. No more guessing, a lot more trusting.

4.         That there is a time and a season for everything. So, I have tried and failed at some things, perhaps it was not the right time or season. I am reminded that a delay is not a denial. Keep growing.

5.         For and to you. My immediate family. My extended family. My church family. My book club family. And my friends, yes, you too – we may not know each other yet. Thank you for being in my life.

6.         For my gifts, talents, and skills. I am still growing in these and other areas (like baking cookies!). I am grateful for opportunities to challenge myself.

7.         For the resources and the platforms I have been given and everything coming my way.

8.         For opportunities and ideas. (Where do ideas come from? What to do with an idea?) I am grateful for the courage to go after them.

Hope for the future

When we write down the things we are grateful for, it gives us hope for the future. We have a lot to be thankful for family and friends. We know God is faithful, so if He did it before He can do it again. Remember, every good and perfect gift is from God (James 1:17). Therefore, Acknowledge Him. May he give you the desires of your heart for this year.

Happy new year!

Now you, 

What are you grateful for?

NB. Ginger beer is a non-alcoholic drink made from ginger root. This drink is prepared and enjoyed by many Jamaicans especially during the Christmas season.

8 Responses

  1. Happy New Year Sanchie and to your beautiful family as well. I look forward to more of your inspiring writings.

  2. Thanks for your idea on ginger beer,
    We like drinking ginger beer
    We will be drinking more ginger throughout the year.

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