Happy 4th of July: are we committed to the values and principles of the nation?

Hi Family!

Happy 4th of July!

What does it mean to pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America?

My son Aziel was born in Canada, and we love Canada. However, we his parents, are from Jamaica and all of us now live in the US. At 4 years old, he pledged allegiance to the flag of the United States. However, if you ask him where he is from, thinking mathematically, he often says he is 20% American, 20% Canadian, and 60% Jamaican. 

What does he mean? 

He is very smart, but he is still a child. Clearly, he wasn’t physically from all three countries; mentally and spiritually, that would be confusing as each country has different principles and values.

Pledging allegiance to the flag of the United States of America signifies a commitment to the principles and values represented by the nation. When individuals recite the Pledge of Allegiance, they are expressing loyalty to the country, its democratic ideals, and its unity. Specifically, the pledge emphasizes:

– Unity and Indivisibility: The phrase “one nation under God, indivisible” underscores the idea that the United States is a unified entity that cannot be divided.

– Liberty and Justice for All: This highlights the commitment to ensuring freedom and fairness for every citizen, regardless of their background.

– Patriotism: It is a form of expressing one’s love and respect for the country and acknowledging the sacrifices made to preserve its freedoms.

Next time we are about to say the US pledge, let’s think about it: Are we committed to the principles and values that represent the nation?

Until next time,



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