How to align our values to our job and work

Hi Family,

Job vs. Work is there a difference?

I left my scientific consulting job for an AI company. It was a dream for a season. I grew out of the job! Our values—freedom and flexibility—no longer align with that job. There are different levels of freedom and flexibility. Also, I’ve added a new core value: first class. It means operating at the highest quality.

Jobs where we trade time for money should be temporary unless we desire to be in slavery. A job is a bridge to get us where we want to be—our real work, meaningful work, destiny, purpose, or promised land. Some of us cross several bridges before we get there; some never reach it in our lifetime and some get to do both at the same time. My work is to help develop the leader within you and assist you to navigate your way to your promised land. 

Why do we want the job?

I remember my first job after college. Naturally, I wanted it to be in the field I studied, something I loved. I also needed to pay off student loans. But beyond that, I wanted to save for future dreams and to find a job that offered growth. During my interview, I asked about growth opportunities, and the room went silent. Eventually, they said I could move across departments, but that wasn’t the growth I wanted. Yet, I took the job because earning a steady income was more important to me back then.

Over the next ten years, I did grow—mentally and financially. I participated in and delivered various trainings and saved money. I grew physically and relationally, enjoying an active lifestyle back home. But spiritually and emotionally, I was stuck, even though I attended church regularly. I hit all my initial goals, but at what cost?

Why do we want a job now?

I’ve heard people talk about alignment with their jobs, but I didn’t fully understand what they meant. Even after earning my PhD, I still looked for jobs in my field. But without loans to pay off and with savings from previous jobs, why did I need a job now? Especially when I had dreams of owning my own business.

A business provides a product or service that solves a problem.

So, here we are. Are we still chasing jobs when God is calling us to start businesses? Perhaps this is why we lost the job. Could this be why we feel so dissatisfied even though we are getting more money from our current jobs? Maybe this is why we cannot get a job with all our qualifications and experience. 

What does freedom mean when seeking a job?

Are we so limited in our thinking that we can’t see beyond working for others? Do we dream of true freedom? Yes, slavery—working for no money in jobs we dislike—was abolished long ago. But what does freedom mean for us today?

“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” – Galatians 5:1

While many of us may not be physically enslaved, are we slaves spiritually, mentally, emotionally, relationally, or financially? There are layers to this freedom, be aware. Let’s not limit ourselves.

How to be in alignment with our jobs

Some of us may still have loans or need extra funds to reach our promised land, but does that job align with our values? Now that I know my core values—freedom, flexibility, and first-class — I ask, which job aligns with these values? Also is the job in alignment with my family values of kindness, forgiveness, and compassion? Further, this job might require some new skills, no need to fear, we would need some training for any job. We should be lifelong learners always ready to grow.

However, if we compromise our values for money or anything else, we risk falling into slavery again.

Other things to consider:

  • Will my strengths, natural abilities, passions, skills, and experiences bring value to the job?
  • Will my personality shine through in this role?
  • Are there growth opportunities?

Does our dream job align with our work?

Even if the job meets all the necessary values, does it truly align with our purpose? If we don’t own our jobs (businesses), we will eventually retire. But we don’t retire from our work. We continue to grow into new opportunities while living an abundant life.

Our work is more than just a job; it’s a lifelong journey of growth, purpose, and fulfillment. Let us choose jobs that aligns with our deepest values and allows us to lead ourselves well so that we can live out our true work or purpose. Only then can we lead others well and live a life of freedom, meaning, and abundance.



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