Hi Family!

Are you ready for change?

Change is in the air, can you feel it? This also signals the end of a season. Recently, I had a dream where I heard I should give up my deaconship in the church and take some time off. When I hear from God or have a dream like that, I pay attention. I continued my life as usual until I noticed some patterns. I began to forget things I usually managed well. Now, I wouldn’t say I have the best memory, but I do have a good memory. The kids were more restless. People seemed mean or meaner (ha!), try not to take things personally (I have been on both sides of this coin, so I know). I might lose things. And I realized what I heard began to make sense. I pray about it – that is seek God. As long as I don’t overthink, things start falling into place.

But why would God want me to give up my deaconship? Or take time off from church?

I’ll explain it later on in this post. Basically, it’s part of the pruning process. Furthermore, I need to spend more time with my family!

What have you been celebrating?

At the end of every season, there’s a celebration. It could be yours or you were invited to someone else’s.


Whether the dream was fully realized or we just scratched the surface, celebrate small and large wins alike. We went to a friend’s of my husband 70th birthday party at the Cradle of Aviation Museum, NY. Then, we celebrated at his house the day after. Both parties were organized by Pam, Terry’s wife. Thanks for inviting us! We had a great time.

Yes, we have 70- and 80-year-old friends! And they know how to party!

I also love talking to people who have walked the path. I glean their wisdom, and they love sharing their experiences.

Our stories matter, lets share them!

Interestingly, at the party, we got a keepsake that said, “Let the adventure begin.” And sure enough, we’ve been having adventure after adventure since.

The next day, my sister-in-law Chantal took us to the very scenic Playland, Westchester, NY. We loved it there. This place has a dreamy, whimsical theme, with an oceanfront view. It’s so beautiful!

Chantal in the middle, with nieces and nephews at Playland.

And Friday of that week, I went with Aziel for his end-of-year class trip to Urban Air Adventure Park, New Jersey. This too was an amazing day!

Then there was Father’s Day.

How did you spend Father’s Day?

Father’s Day was never a big day for me as I didn’t grow up with a father. With that in mind, I need to be intentional to get a gift and wish my husband Happy Father’s Day! He isn’t fussy, doesn’t want to go out to a fancy restaurant, but he will hang out with the family. He is very private.

How to make the change?

In the morning I went to church, and the kids went with their dad on the road. Ok, I was wrong here (again!). I made a promise, and I try to honor my promises. However, we should try not to make promises, because God can change things around when we least expect it.

In the previous season, my core values served me, in this season my core values need to serve the family and the community. You see, God prunes us, so we can bear more and much fruit. John: 15:1-4.

Do you know what your core values are, how to use them, and how to change them if necessary?

In the afternoon, we went to my mother-in-law’s for a family gathering.


Shout out to Malany, otherwise known as Pernice, who knows how to throw a partay! She threw my baby shower, grandpa’s 80th birthday party, thanksgiving dinners, birthday parties, and many others parties. She is the go for parties in the family.

Father’s day flow. Me to the left, Malany and cousins at the top, Andrew at the bottom, Trevor and Azahra to the right.

Grandpa at his 80th birthday party!

Even an impromptu get together for father’s day.

Know this, nothing just happens.

We had so much fun chit-chatting, eating good food, and playing games like Ludo and dominoes.

That’s what’s been happening—find the blessing in everyday life!

If you want to read more stories like this or get insight into fulfilling your dreams, get the book!



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