How to Know When It’s the Right Time to Fulfill the Dream

My daughter Azhara and I had been watching a tomato on our plant for weeks, waiting for the perfect moment to pick it. We were waiting because before this, we picked some that were not quite ready, eventually they ripened and were fine. However, for the current tomato, a squirrel snatched it before we got a chance to pick it! Interestingly, a study carried out at UC Davis on animal behavior found that some squirrels are known for their boldness, aggressiveness, activity level, and sociability! 

What is the dream?

We often hold onto dreams, telling ourselves we’ll pursue them “later.” But what if “later” is now? I learned this lesson after moving to the U.S. with a PhD in biochemistry and years of experience, only to face rejection after rejection in my job search. The disappointment was painful, but it led me to turn to God for guidance.

Are Rejections Gifts Leading Us Toward Our Dreams?

Seeking God’s Timing

While applying for jobs I felt an urge to write, but I was advised to get the job first. It’s ingrained in many of us: go to school, get a job, and then if we have time (before we die, sadly) pursue dreams. But God had other plans. When I wasn’t getting the job I decided to stop and seek God. I prayed for forty days and did a Daniel fast for the first ten days of prayer. Towards the end of the fast, exactly five days before the ending, I approached my pastor. Interestingly he said he was waiting for me. We prayed for the remaining five days of my forty day prayer and the clarity came—“Write the book.”

So, I did. I wrote it in a month! After that I had another dream “start the blog.”  I mentioned this to my pastor and he gave me the go ahead. The book became the foundation for this blog, another long-held dream.

But before we got here, how did I know that the dreams were mine?

Is the dream mine?

I wrote a lot in journals as a child. Over time I had many dreams, but two stood out. I wanted to be a scientist with a PhD and I wanted to be a writer. With the PhD in hand. It made sense that the next thing would be to write. Additionally, during my PhD, I kept saying to myself that I was going to write about my experience. But none of this was clear to me at that time.

As a trained scientist I have had many opportunities to write academically and in the workplace when I work as a scientist (they called me a process development officer). Even in my secular job I was being taught process! Therefore, it wasn’t odd that I got an idea to write a book or blog. Writing is one of my strengths that was being developed over many years behind the scenes.

Is the Dream Just for Me?

God-given dreams are not just for one person, though it can begin with one person. They involve others—sometimes in ways we can’t even foresee. When I started writing newsletters on LinkedIn, I later learned that it was premature. I prayed for forgiveness and forgave myself. But eventually, that venture led me to a job as a scientific consultant—without even applying. It wasn’t my degrees that landed the role; it was the book and the blog.

Lots of people have degrees, what sets us apart?

Now I am able to recommend others for jobs in this company! And they don’t even need to have a book or blog, I already did the work.

A dream is not just for you! 

If we do not pursue the dreams at the right time, they go on to others, because God’s word cannot come back void! In other words your dream can be snatched by a squirrel! This is well known in the academic world when it comes to publishing.

When It’s Not the Right Time For the Dream?

If you’ve been growing spiritually, mentally, emotionally, relationally, and financially but your dream still feels out of reach, it might not be time yet. Trust the process, keep your vision alive, and explore other possibilities. Sometimes, delays mean there’s another dream to pursue first.

Questions to Help You Know When It’s Time:

  • Who are you? Will the dream use our strengths, skills, abilities, personality, and experiences?
  • What is your “why”? Does the dream align with our purpose in life?
  • Do you have the potential? Do we have abilities and talents that this dream may help us develop for future success?
  • Are you passionate about it? Does the dream excite us, even if it’s outside our usual job?
  • Do you have the provision? Do we have the resources—time, money, or support—to make it happen?
  • Are you in the right place? This may be spiritual, physical, or psychological (mindset).
  • Do you have the right people? We will discuss this next week, God’s willing!                                                        

Sometimes, even when everything lines up, we still don’t know for sure. That’s where faith comes in. Pray, listen, and when the time feels right, take the leap. Release expectations, enjoy the journey, and learn the lessons along the way.

This post was read and approved by Pastor Greene who helped with the book and blog.

Stay tuned as we CHANGE and GROW!

Until next time,



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