How to navigate disappointments and distractions


Building a business is no joke; it’s not for the faint of heart. You may be creating for months or years before you begin to see some light. It requires strong faith. Some people even refer to the initial building phase of a business as the “spiritual phase.” A fitting name as we are usually unable to see any confirmation. If we are not careful, we will begin to doubt the dream; disappointments and distractions will try to derail us.

We walk by faith, not by sight.


I consider myself an optimist, even when things look dismal, I am hopeful. I’m a dreamer and a doer. But I must admit, lately, I’ve felt some disappointment with my business. I had to challenge my thoughts and seek an explanation. Did I do something wrong? Is this just part of the process? Or is my focus wrong?

Did we do something wrong?

Perhaps. But I’ve decided not to cry over spilled milk. I’m choosing to learn the lessons and focus on what works instead. We are being kind to ourselves and others when we ask questions that will leave us more aware.

Is it part of the process? 

Absolutely! Therefore we can forgive ourselves for whatever bad decisions or mistakes we have made. And we can forgive those who did not believe in our dreams or help us.

Are we focused on the wrong things?

If I focus only on one area of my life, such as the financial aspect, I might think nothing is happening. Is money our sole determining factor? However, when I consider the spiritual, physical, mental, emotional, and relational growth I’ve experienced over the last three years, it’s been a tremendous period. Understand that when we may have grown up with little money, and now we have bills and loans, the focus might be on finances. All the while, we could be wealthy in other areas. We shouldn’t neglect the areas where we’ve had massive growth just because the money we expected hasn’t shown up yet. 

This is a setup—it’s just a matter of changing our focus.

When we’ve done the work to grow in all areas of our lives, the resources we need will inevitably show up at the right time. The only way the financial dream doesn’t manifest or gets delayed is if we let our expectations lead to disappointment. While it’s okay to feel disappointed and grieve, we should see it for what it is and not let it blur our vision of all we’ve accomplished. This is self-compassion

Distractions or Escapes?

As the summer holidays end, we’re getting Aziel ready to go back to school and trying to spend as much time as possible outside before school reopens. Many parties are happening, friends and family are visiting, and the kids are more restless. By the way, this feels like a change is coming. Wow! Change is a constant in our lives as it seems we’ve made some changes just a month ago, we might as well embrace it. Yet, I still have documents to write and deadlines to meet! How do I enjoy the last bits of summer, meet deadlines, and navigate distractions?

Should we go or not go…to that party?

We should consider ourselves blessed when we have been invited. When friends go out of their way to ask us to events, (and invite the children) we shouldn’t take it casually. Sometimes, we ought to accept these invitations. I call them the escape that God gives us so we don’t idolize the dream. Sometimes, we don’t feel like celebrating because of disappointments—in that case, we should definitely take the escapes. With disappointment comes sadness, which is a cry for connection. So, connect with that family or friend. Unchecked disappointments in our lives can lead to resentment without our knowledge. Be aware!

Are there times to prioritize even celebrations? 

However, there are times when we need to analyze the situation. The events we attend are not just about the food or drink—they’re about the people in our lives. Events give us an opportunity to network and build connections – relational growth. We received invites to three parties in the last week to attend in the next two weeks! Two of those parties will have the same set of people, give or take, so we’ll choose one from that set and the other party with all new people. We love meeting new people! With new people come new connections and opportunities. Stay open-minded about growth opportunities.

Staying True to Our Values

In navigating disappointments and distractions, the key is staying true to our core values. Our values help us to focus on what truly matters. Let’s stay true to who we are and what we believe, even when the journey gets tough.

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