Is Unforgiveness Holding Us Back?

Hi Family!

Why Do We Hold On to Offences?

As a sensitive person, letting go was difficult for me. I would get offended by just about anything, and for many years, this held me back from realizing my dreams and stunted my growth. The frustration left me feeling tired and isolated. For some, this manifests as rage or blaming others, but for me, it took root deep within.

How Does Unforgiveness Impact Our Dreams and Growth?

It wasn’t until I began asking myself questions like, “Who am I?” and “Why am I here?” that I started to find the answers I desperately needed. Understanding my values has since helped me navigate offences and kept me on the path toward growth and fulfilling my dreams.

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.” John 10:10.

In this context, the thief is unforgiveness, which prevents us from living a fulfilled and satisfied life. Jesus spoke these words as God incarnate (when he walked in the flesh), and since God is love, forgiveness becomes a vital expression of that love—allowing us to experience a full and satisfying life.

I’ve come to realize that most of our interpersonal problems can be solved by this simple, yet often difficult, solution: forgiveness.

In my twenties, I mistakenly believed that money was the key to fulfilling my dreams, and unconsciously, it became my driving force. My job at the time offered me some freedom through travel, but I felt stuck and unfulfilled at the office. The monotony and lack of flexibility gnawed at me, and because my career wasn’t progressing as I would have liked, I internalized every offence. This eventually affected all areas of my life.

Can Forgiveness Really Lead to a Fulfilled Life?

Before this summer, I stopped working to spend time with my children. I wasn’t getting work from the company, and the idea of trading time for money was no longer appealing—I craved true freedom. There are levels to freedom. I was also trying to build a team for another company, but it didn’t work out; I realized it wasn’t the right time. With my daughter still at home, I found myself unable to do many tasks.

We all have seasons, even as multitaskers. Every dream has its time and place.

Financially, I was unprepared for all the activities I had planned for this summer, which could have easily upset me. I did feel a bit frustrated and even had an identity crisis for a moment. However, I chose to forgive myself and the company, even recommending a friend to them. I took the time to be kind to myself, to rest and renew, and to enjoy time with my kids. As a result, we had one of the best summers, fulfilling dream after dream.


What Happens When We Learn to Let Go?

To my surprise, I received an invitation to a company party from the very company I had tried to build a team for. They even invited my children (family). We had a blast, and now I feel ready to start building that team again this September. I didn’t have to search for a job—they forgave me and reached out to me. Ofcourse, I continued to grow even when I was enjoying the time off. It feels like the right time now, and I’ll update you on this journey, so stay tuned for future blogs.


This year has been interesting, full of changes that now feel like second nature. While I didn’t change my hair, clothes, house, or car, I did change my mindset on how to handle my problems. Learning to forgive has been transformative, even in my personal life. In the past, unforgiveness brought me much heartache, but now, I am grateful for the invaluable lessons I’ve learned.

You see, sometimes you win, and sometimes you learn. Mistakes are essential to our growth and development.

Love Sanch


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