
Before I encountered God (although I believed in Him and attended church often), I was all about work. I thought life was about achievements. I had no family, so making work my number one priority was easy, especially in this culture. I met Jesus when work and life became difficult. He showed me that working and achieving were idols in my life. He then taught me how to prioritize; God first, me second (family), and work last. I was blessed as I made God my number one priority. Then I had a family…I now realize that obedience, especially in prioritizing family before work, is an area God has been working on for quite some time.

Go with your family

My husband mentioned that he wanted to take our son to Legoland. I told him I could not go because I promised my church to fill an assignment that day. I heard the Lord say, “go with your family.” But I already agreed to do a task for church, I thought. I told myself that the assignment for the church was more important – why could he (my husband) not see? Are you thinking yourself out of what God wants you to do?

I tried to hide from making the right decision. On Saturday, the evening before the day of the trip, I felt a sense of confusion and heaviness. I left the house to visit my mother-in-law, and while I was there, my husband came and confirmed that he was going to Legoland.

I procrastinated. I felt like I should call my pastor and tell him I wouldn’t be able to do what I promised, but I did not. Sunday morning, I woke and thought he (my husband) must have changed his mind and canceled or postponed the trip; God must have spoken to Him. He didn’t, and now I may need to back out. I texted my pastor, but he didn’t answer until after they left.

Church work is still working

“You should have gone,” my pastor said. 

What!? I thought. 

“Family before work,” he said. 

“But I promised!” I said. 

“Family before work,” he said again. 

Oh, is this work? I thought. 

I didn’t put what I was doing in the category of work. Be reminded that church work is still working, and even more important, working for the church is not the same as putting God first (in case you were thinking, like me, that I was putting God first). 

Obedience is better than sacrifice

The story of Saul in 1 Samuel 15 is a classic reminder that God wants our obedience and not sacrifices. Samuel, the prophet at that time, told Saul that the Lord will punish the Amalekites for what they did to Israel. The Lord told Saul, through Samuel, that he (Saul) should attack and destroy the Amalekites and everything they owned, leaving nothing. Saul did destroy the Amalekites but left their King, the best of the cattle, sheep, lambs, and everything good. Saul took the livestock as an offering to God. However, he disobeyed the Lord because he did not follow the complete instructions, and the Lord was angry.

Disobedience is evil

After Saul tried to explain what he did, Samuel said:

“Does the Lord delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices

    as much as in obeying the Lord?

To obey is better than sacrifice,

    and to heed is better than the fat of rams.

 For rebellion is like the sin of divination,

    and arrogance like the evil of idolatry.

Because you have rejected the word of the Lord,

    he has rejected you as king.” 1 Samuel 15: 22-23

The result of disobedience

Here begins the downfall of Saul even though he sought forgiveness. The scriptures said the Lord regretted having made Saul King over Israel, 1 Samuel 15:35.

I felt horrible. I made a sacrifice not to go on the trip the Lord instructed me to because I committed. I disobeyed God! And I missed an opportunity to get beautiful pictures while enjoying my family. Seriously, this lesson I will not forget – obedience is better than sacrifice. 

Interestingly, the pastor and other members praised me for keeping my word. They did not know what was going on behind the scenes. I could not celebrate the compliments because I knew I had disobeyed the Lord.

Jesus changed everything

For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet he did not sin Hebrews 4:15.

Unblock the blessing

I sought forgiveness from the Lord. I thank God for Jesus – Jesus our high priest changed everything. Because of Jesus, we can boldly go before God and ask for forgiveness. God is good and gracious and will forgive you. He will give you a second chance. 

God gave me another opportunity. Within a week or so, we went to another amusement park and had a great time. Yes, I got to take beautiful pictures with my family. Thank you, Lord.

How easy was that? This is a very simple situation and example of how God is in the details of our life. Every time you obey the Lord blessing await you. Anytime you disobey you block the blessing you my even curse yourself Deuteronomy 28. Do yourself a favor and obey.

NB. The other lesson is this; don’t be a people pleaser while disobeying God. You are choosing temporal over eternal. Think about that – how many times each day are we choosing temporal over eternal in our decisions? 

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