September Reflections: New Beginnings

September has always been a special month for me. In different years, I declared my faith in Christ, defended my PhD, sent my book for publishing, and saw its release—all in the month of September. This year was no exception! I received my US citizenship—a physical sign of true freedom

Though I attended church most of my life, this month marked eight years since my baptism, which made me reflect: Have I fully surrendered everything to Jesus? Interestingly, the number eight in the Bible symbolizes new beginnings, and as Jesus shows us, things often get chaotic right before something new emerges.

I am surrendering it all. As such, I am separating myself from what I do to give God room. Therefore, I will be Sanchia Miller (name on citizenship) from henceforth, Sanchia Gayle is the name of the business which is subject to change.

Spiritual Reflections: Finding My Place

I felt like I didn’t fit in anywhere—until now. I’ve found my place, where my core values align with both my personal and professional life. When we find this place, we can face even the toughest challenges without losing our joy and peace. We learn to guard our hearts, knowing that in this world we will have trouble. I’ve also realized that we often resist change that we compromise our values to maintain our current circumstances.

Lesson learned: Know and live out our values (modelled by Jesus) no matter what circumstances or situations arise.

Physical Reflections: Consistency is Key

This month, I’ve been consistent with working out at least three days a week and making healthier breakfast choices. Because of this, I was able to manage stress more effectively, which is scientifically proven to help. The kids also enjoyed plenty of playtime, with trips to the park and a party at a trampoline park.

Lesson learned: Consistency is key to maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Mental Reflections: Learning Through Experience

I started again with a previous company, and though we had fewer activities, we are growing. We even went to New Jersey for Leadership School, and I brought my two little ones along. It was a joy to see Aziel engaged and happy—he loves learning, just like me! The presentation by a multimillionaire about “Choices” was a major inspiration to continue pursuing my dreams. Our business partner, Carla, crossed the stage three times. Congratulations!

Lesson learned: Be a lifelong learner and challenge your mind regularly.

Emotional Reflections: Choosing Gratitude for New Beginnings

Despite the many challenges that happened this month, I am filled with gratitude. I know things could have been worse, and I’ve chosen to focus on the positives rather than the negatives. I did feel tired towards the end of the month and so I took a moment to pause. I’ve also learned from the challenges and seen them as teachers in my life as with more responsibilities comes more challenges.

Lesson learned: Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:18.

Relational Reflections: Attracting the Right People for our New Beginnings

This month, I connected with people from all walks of life, and it felt amazing! When we embrace the right values, we start attracting people with similar values, while those who don’t share our values may fall away. There’s no need to worry or stress when some relationships end—it just means we’re no longer aligned. And how peaceful it is when we simply live our values and allow our relationships to naturally fall into place (or out of place).

Lesson learned: Embrace the right values to attract the right people. Relationships can change with time, so don’t be surprised if some connections that didn’t work before begin to thrive, or vice versa.

Financial Reflections: Surrendering for New Beginnings

This month brought financial challenges that tested my faith. Everything had to be cleared out for the new to begin, and once I understood that, fear disappeared. We did what we could and left the rest to God. Financial growth is inevitable when we live by the right values and continue to grow in all areas of life.

Lesson learned: Trust Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
 in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight
. Proverbs 3:4-6

Birthdays and Acknowledgments


Birthdays: Special shoutouts to all the September beauties! 

Charneal was my lab-mate during our PhD. She is on her way to become a professor. Charneal remember  to take time for yourself and do things that you love! You gave me that advice back then!

Cheryl my friend with two kids a boy and girl just like me. Our children enjoy each other company so much! Continue to lean into what the God has for you uniquely!

Samantha has two beautiful girls who attends the same school as Aziel. All month long bees have been following her. In Jamaica we say bees follows money!

More people celebrated birthdays, however they are suspicious about the internet. Therefore, we will not post their pictures here.

If you want shout outs for birthdays, please lets us know (


Thanks to Jacquline Bell for feedback on this article.

A huge thank you to our prayer group that meets on Thursdays—without God, we can do nothing. If you’d like to join (US-only for now), send me an email ( or!

Thanks to our church food pantry for supporting our healthy lifestyle with bags of goodies.

To The Breakfast Club, a small group I meet with from my church (in Canada), thank you for thought provoking conversations.

To Carla, thank you for believing in us and saving us a ticket to Leadership School.

Big thanks to Markie for taking a gift to my niece in Jamaica, and Valerie Smith for making sure it got delivered.

A special thank you to Cheryl for inviting us to Vacation Bible School—the kids had a great time.

And last but not least, Trevor—thank you for everything! 

This blog is for educational purposes. This how we begin our newsletters. We will be sending the newsletters via email to our contacts next month, God’s willing. If you want to be on the list please subscribe!

Look out for the New as we Grow and Change!

Until next time,



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