Check your mirrors

When I was learning to drive several years ago, I kept forgetting to check the rearview and side mirrors when I was about to move the vehicle, change lanes, or make turns. The driving instructor would say, “You need to repeatedly look in your mirrors to reduce your blind spots.”

Blind spots in driving are those areas on the road that are outside the driver’s field of vision.

Blind spots in our lives are areas we lack clarity, insight, and awareness of ourselves and patterns of reacting and relating to ourselves and others.

We need to watch out for blind spots in our lives especially when we are transitioning into new seasons, at the brink of completing an assignment, and if no growth (spiritual or otherwise, also growth is not determined by money) has occurred in our lives in a long time.

Examples of blind spots

  • Lies we tell ourselves 
  • Negative thoughts and emotions
  • Procrastination 
  • Critical towards self or others  
  • Unhealthy habits or addictions
  • Wanting control
  • Self-righteousness
  • Self-victimizing
  • Unwilling to change
  • Cursing
  • Gossiping
  • Worry 
  • Giving up
  • Gal 5: 19-21

These blind spots become self-sabotaging and self-defeating patterns or habits. They are rooted in fear and insecurity. Know your patterns. 

What do you see?

“When you see a good man, think of emulating him; when you see a bad man, examine your own heart.”


The people who come into our lives are often a reflection of who we are to some extent. I know this might be a shock to you, but I have found it to be true. Do you see the bad in others or do you see the good? If we only see the bad, what is our heart saying? Are we loving one another? But if we say they are good, are we not judging as well?

 “Why do you call me good?” Jesus answered. “No one is good—except God alone. (Mark 10:18).

So how do we get that clarity, insight, and awareness of ourselves and our patterns of reacting and relating to ourselves and others? 

Check the mirror that does not change (Ask God)

God is the unchangeable mirror. His Word stands and will never fail. 

The grass withers and the flowers fade, but the Word of our God will stand forever. (Isaiah 40:8)

We can always trust what God says in His Word about us and others. 

God’s Word supersedes all other words.

Check the mirror that changes (Ask others)

We change for better or for worse. The culture changes based on what is popular at the time. Government and politicians change, everyone comes with their own agenda. 

Asking others about you can be tricky for more reasons than one as mentioned above. How do we know who to ask?

We look at their fruits.

You will know them by their fruits. (Matt 7:16)

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Against such things there is no law. (Gal 5: 22-23).

If the people in our lives display such fruit or are deepening their relationship with God (this is not synonymous with attending church), we can trust what they say if it is according to God’s Word.

But if the people in our lives are not displaying this fruit, what does that say about us? What actions should we take?


Find a community of believers.

Check your mirrors; move, change lanes or make a turn

We need to constantly examine ourselves, not just through our own eyes, but through the eyes of others and against the Word of God. Pray specifically for the areas we struggle in. Replace unhealthy habits with good habits, so we can run our race.

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Hebrews 12:1

This and more are covered in my Book and course coming soon “How to Fulfill your God-given Dreams.”

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