The solution for unworthiness

In the last post, I asked, “do you want to be made whole?” I related my journey from brokenness to wholeness – it was a mouthful. Our lives can get complicated. Today, I will touch on the topic of unworthiness. Unworthiness can also be a result of childhood trauma. It is so prevalent in our society today, specifically among women. Even though we cannot see it, unworthiness is like a viral disease, a pandemic that is killing our gifts, talents, creativity, and our purpose. I am here to remind you that you are worthy – you are enough.

Some years ago, I wanted to start a blog. I asked some people what did they think about this idea? They said no, everybody was doing it. I threw out the idea, even though I was passionate about it. 

Where there is no (wise, intelligent) guidance, the people fall (and go off course like a ship without helm) but in the abundance of (wise and godly) counselors there is victory. Proverbs 11:14 AMP

Who are you asking for advice about what to do? 

Last year I was talking to someone about getting into a different field. 

“Your resume is impressive, but do you have a blog or a website to go with it?” She said.

“No, is that a requirement?” I asked remembering how I wanted to start a blog years ago.

“We have realized that it increases your chances greatly. “

“I have always wanted to start a blog,” I said (what have you always wanted to do, perhaps it is a stepping stone to where you want to go – even if you don’t know where that is yet).

“Of course, go for it,” she said.

“I don’t think I am good enough,” I said, rattled by self-doubt.

“What is good enough? Look at your resume, when will you think you are good enough?” She asked me.

What is unworthiness?

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines unworthiness as lacking in excellence or value: poor, worthless.: base, dishonorable. Not meritorious.: undeserving. Other definitions: not good enough, unsuitable.

Do you think you are good enough? 

To be happy, to get the job, to have a family, to start a business, to have whatever it is you want, for God to use you? 

I have heard it: “I can’t win;” “I will never be able to do or get;” “Can God use little me?” The negative self talk that we are unaware of repeating.

Yes, you can; yes, you will; yes, you are able; yes, He can use you, and He will if you ask Him to. 

God made you with gifts, talents, or abilities (you may call these strengths). Everybody came here with them. You are valuable to God regardless of what you think or say.

A man’s gift makes room for him and brings him before great men. Proverbs 18:16.

God gave you gifts, talents, or abilities to reach people and advance the kingdom here on earth. Do you know what your gift is? Could it be that you have not identified and developed your gift, and that is why you feel less than or unworthy?

You are worthy, find the missing piece 

All my life I felt like something was missing like I was not enough. I sought knowledge, I got degrees, and had great job opportunities, but they did not suffice. Before I did my PhD, I prayed Lord help me to learn the lessons since this was my last major degree. Yes, I was at the PhD level with several years of work experience, and I still did not know what my gifts were. This usually happens because you are multi-gifted. Crazy huh? 

You are who God say you are…

I was good in the lab as a scientist every one said so. But I felt lacking. I could not quite put my finger on it. Writing was the last thing I thought about as one of my gifts. I have been writing since I was a child, formally and informally. Everybody writes, so how did I know that writing was one of my gifts? 

I wrote my PhD thesis in less than three months. What do you do well without realizing it?

On a Sunday afternoon, my overly critical professor wrote me an email saying, I am enjoying your writing! I was shocked and elated. 

On the day of my PhD defense, all the professors agreed that my thesis was well written: “We did not see a typo!” They said. What do people (with credibility) say or commend you on?

Writing my thesis was an enjoyable process…who enjoys writing a PhD thesis? What do you enjoy doing?

But even then, I was not sure. I had prayed that God would help me through the writing process for my thesis, so I thought that was what He did. He helped me. 

Ask God what your gifts are.

You do not have because you do not ask God. James 4:2-4

After the PhD, I got desperate. Lord, what are my gifts? I need to know, I want to know my purpose. One day while writing in my journal (what do you do in your spare time?). I heard in my spirit “you are a writer.” 

Huh? What is this I am hearing?

What are you doing now?” I heard again.


Then memories came flooding back, from high school when my teachers would read out my stories. When teachers praised me for fresh ideas and great content. When I wanted to be a writer. I guess I AM a writer. But you may have many gifts, keep on asking and keep on seeking, you will be led to your purpose.

Use your gifts for the Kingdom

Knowing your gifts is exciting. But don’t be led by your gifts. Allow God to tell you and lead you to use your gifts.

I tried to get a writing job immediately without God’s permission, after all, I am a writer. I had no success, though I was qualified. Hence the conversation above about my resume.

Your gift will make room for you

I prayed and asked God to direct me. What happened was that I wrote a book (coming soon) in one month after which, I was led to begin this blog. 

Fear will try to block you. Do not allow negative thoughts to infiltrate your mind. Guard your heart. Keep your focus. Know that God is with you.

Here is the solution for unworthiness: find and develop your gift, it will make room for you and usher you into your purpose.

6 Responses

  1. I sure do enjoy reading your blogs, keep up the good work, im proud of you neice honstly i do, God bless you on your juornery.

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